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The Church That Is in Your House

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Ideas have consequences. And one consequence of our idea that “church” equals our local parish is that we can miss much of the deeper meaning of the Christian home.

Enter today’s Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, which often gets us thinking about the early Church. What if—especially in this 5th week of the month when we reflect on Level 5, Hospitality & Service—we took these ideas seriously:

  • In the early Church (and for many persecuted Christians throughout the world this very minute) home was the only place to gather with fellow believers;


  • Our homes are domestic churches, Trinity Houses, “outposts of the Kingdom” in our neighborhoods, and “forward operating bases” of our local parishes;


  • Our homes can reach people in dynamic, personal and transformative ways, being the closest thing to church that some of our neighbors and friends have ever experienced?

“The churches of Asia greet you,” St. Paul wrote to the Christians in Corinth, “especially Aquila and Priscilla greet you much in the Lord, along with the church that is in their house (I Cor 16:19).
When you stop to think of it, it’s extraordinary. How is the church that is in the Johnsons’ house? How is the church that is in your house?
On a recent evening, we were blessed to gather at a friend’s home with about 30 people, few of whom had met one another before. They came together on short notice because a visiting ministry leader put out the word that he would be leading the rosary and fellowship.   
Our friends opened their doors, and the Holy Spirit took care of the rest. It was a beautiful evening of prayer, song, teaching, and encouragement. If you glanced through the window, you would have thought we were all long-time friends.   
Ideas have consequences. If we hold that “my home is my castle” or just a place to eat, sleep, and pursue entertainment, we miss out. What if, instead, we hold that “the church that is in our house” is meant to gather and serve people—neighbors, friends, colleagues—with a simple meal, cookout, a Bible study, or a rosary?

Do we want to change our culture and restore our world to friendship with God? Jesus said “where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

What are we waiting for?

Heaven In Your Home Toolkit

House Churches in the New Testament” (Franciscan Media) provides fascinating details about the specific house churches of Mary of Jerusalem, Lydia, Nympha, Priscilla and Aquila, and Philemon and Apphia.

The Early Church Assembled in Houses” (Diocese of Little Rock) gives us a glimpse of the house churches of Corinth, and poses the question, “What are some simple steps modern families could take to make their family homes something of a house church?” 

Here’s a compilation of 14 Bible verses which mention house churches. 

Here is the podcast recording of the Holy Family School of Faith daily Rosary that we mentioned in our reflection above. 

In “The Role of Family in God’s Designs: From ‘House Churches’ to the ‘Domestic Church’” (The Catholic Telegraph), Fr. Robert Hater writes, “Many Christians, to this day, miss the implications of this shift…to Domestic Church, until they consider the special role of the family in God’s designs.”

With July 4th just around the corner, check out our post from last week if you haven’t already: Urgent Wisdom from St. Thomas More

Earlier this month, we were excited to welcome two groups for a visit to Trinity House Cafe + Market. Both expressed interest in pursuing a similar cafe model for their own towns, and we were grateful for the chance to answer questions, share our experience, and encourage them.  

Stay tuned! We’re getting closer to our launch of the Heaven in Your Home Workshop online. We can’t wait to share this transformative workshop with you in a video format that will allow you to access it on your own time.

Please Join Us In Prayer

For the victims and families of the victims of the Surfside, FL, apartment building collapse, and for all those involved in the current rescue efforts;

That we may pray, reflect, and take action on religious liberty, both in our country and abroad;
For conviction, zeal, and optimism as we form our families with a love of country and respect for religious freedom;

For all recent graduates, that they may find their strength in the Lord as they seek to continue growing in wisdom, age, and grace; 

That as we lead our families in the summer months ahead, we may first teach our children, by word and example, how to know, love, and serve the Lord in daily family life;   

For an end to the pandemic throughout the world; for safety and healing for all those impacted by COVID-19, and for all medical personnel;

For the ministry of Trinity House Community, including the staff of Trinity House Cafe, and all individuals and families who are seeking to reflect the life of the Trinity in their homes.

In Christ,
Soren & Ever Johnson
Founders & Directors
Trinity House Community
Making Home a Little Taste of Heaven

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