About the Heaven in Your Home Workshop
Heaven in Your Home is a tremendous testimony to the incredible love and mercy our God has for us, and the importance of looking to the relationship in the Trinity as an example of how to thrive together as families in Faith.
Stewart and Donna CarrollLeesburg, VA
The Heaven in Your Home Workshop speaks directly to the reality every family is facing. Ever and Soren provide needed vision, encouragement and strategies. The workshop was a blessing to us, and it led us to refocus our daily family life more intentionally in light of the image of God—Father, Son and Holy Spirit—we each bear as His children.
Christian and Darcie NielsenBoston, MA
Thanks so much for a great evening. I really enjoyed the talks and the visual Trinity House flowchart. I look forward to printing it and hanging it as a daily reminder.
Kate O'ConorAlexandria, VA
Thank you for the Heaven In Your Home livestream -- it was awesome and much needed! I'm very excited to put 'welcome, listen, serve' into practice! With three teens and three little ones, this was just what my husband and I needed to get us back on track and to see how the distractions are leading us away from heaven in our home. Very insightful and wonderful talks. Keep up the great and important work!
Erin DauschLeesburg, VA
To further their mission of inspiring families to live together with God, the Trinity House Community has forged a new initiative—the Heaven in Your Home Workshop. I endorse this initiative, as it seeks to build a better community by recognizing families as the foundation of society and supporting parents in their role as the primary educators.
Most Rev. Michael F. BurbidgeBishop of Arlington, VA
Heaven in Your Home' was a beautiful opportunity to refocus ourselves on how we can bring our family to holiness by drawing them into the life of the Trinity. The ideas were so helpful but also needed as our family continues to grow, so that we don't lose sight of the main point, to help them get to Heaven!
Ian MassonCulpeper, VA
Soren and Ever Johnson’s Heaven in Your Home Workshop is excellent. This workshop provides a wonderful opportunity for parents and others to come together to reflect and learn helpful tips for keeping God as the central focus in our lives and homes. One of the most beneficial parts of this workshop is the ample opportunity to share and learn from the other parents in attendance the various ways that they integrate faith formation into their family life.
Steven R. HemlerPresident of the Catholic Apologetics Institute of North America
Heaven in Your Home was a powerful reminder for me that my life and my family need to be grounded in the Trinity. The workshop helped me see the subtle ways the Devil prevents family members from having profound, interpersonal relationships with one another. Too much of even a good thing -- whether it's media, activities, or other distractions -- can work against our union with God and against having a family that reflects the Trinity. Heaven in our homes is the only answer that makes sense in this uncertain world.
Kelly BennettCoordinator of Youth Ministry, Precious Blood Catholic Church, Culpeper, VA
Your use of the Trinity icon to illustrate the pathway to heaven was inspired. You so clearly laid out this 'maze' we have created, opening our eyes to how far we have strayed from the ideal family life. Your descriptions of the distractions which lead to impersonal lives was eye-opening but inspired me that we can do better. You first have to see it as a problem, and you presented that masterfully. You were encouraging, realistic, and not at all 'preachy'. Your use of humor and real-world examples made it all the more interesting.
Workshop ParticipantSt. John the Apostle Catholic Church, Leesburg, VA
We are already seeing improvements in our day-to-day as we implement the 5 levels! Woohoo!
Workshop Participant
I find the 5 levels of Heaven in Your Home incredibly helpful. To see it laid out in practical terms is crucial. I’m putting it on our fridge. You should do this for marriage prep!
Workshop Participant
The workshop was outstanding, spot-on, and filled with practical guidance. I’m so glad I attended!
Workshop Participant
What couple does not want to have heaven in their home? Our Trinity House Community Group is amazing…because it provides levels and steps to get there...and opportunities to learn from other couples. In that pursuit of learning from other couples, you not only build your own home, but you also build community. It’s really beautiful.
Mike RookFalls Church, VA
Trinity House offers a very integrated plan. The five levels of family life—it's focused, targeted, and precise on how the family operates and thrives.
Fr. Denis DonahuePastor, St. Philip Catholic Church, Falls Church, VA
Thank you for the enriching talk. It was a great reminder to be more intentional about cultivating faith and family culture in our home. I feel especially inspired to improve my habits of shared work with the kids!
Irene Pruitt
About Trinity House Community
Soren and Ever have worked hard to build their own home into a 'little taste of heaven.' At Trinity House, their wisdom, experience, and humility offer a chance to learn what has worked for them.  Explore Trinity House Community and you will learn from the best and have the chance to meet a group of parents committed to building God's Kingdom one 'domestic church' at a time.
John MitchellFalls Church, VA
We're not all called to be online entrepreneurs, start awareness movements, or be thought leaders. But all of us are called to love our neighbor, starting at home. Soren and Ever witnessed a poverty of family love and this is their initiative to make a difference. I think you'll be empowered by their 'think globally, act locally' mindset, and you'll love the richness of the discussion. We get pretty theological in discussing Trinitarian relationships, so pour a good strong cup of coffee and enjoy!
Stacey SumereauCalled & Caffeinated Podcast
I am very happy to endorse the work and ministry of the Trinity House Community! In these challenging times it is encouraging to see and experience people who are working to promote the Faith and help individuals and families to strengthen their ties and relationship to the Lord; and to seek his help as they strive to live out their vocation of following the Lord each day.
Fr. Kevin Larsen, PastorSt. John the Apostle, Leesburg, VA
What a truly profound moment for our family. We joined not knowing what to expect. Then the Holy Spirt clearly took over as Father guided us through a meditative prayer. He became emotional, graces were obviously overflowing, and we were simply and sublimely blessed. Thank you, Soren and Ever, for an amazing Consecration event! May it be the start of a new beginning for all of our families.
James KeoughConsecration Participant
I really pray that the family consecration to the Holy Trinity expands beyond our parish. This movement will help our families, and as parents we will have a strong confidence that we are preparing our children to be the light of the World. I cannot explain the joy I felt being there with my husband, my mother, my children, my sister-in-law and my nephew and cousin. May the good Lord continue to assist us. The only way to bring light into today’s world is to start by teaching our children to fully trust God.
Yvette LunjwireConsecration Participant
Thank you for inviting us to have our home and family consecrated to the Holy Trinity and the Holy Family. It was truly a beautiful experience and we are blessed to have had Father lead us in the consecration. I hope and pray that our home will be a little ‘taste of Heaven’ to anyone who enters. Thank you for this amazing opportunity. I pray that there will be more opportunities for our wonderful parish families to consecrate their families and homes as we have.
Niki WoodleyConsecration Participant
The vision that Soren and Ever have for building faithful Catholic families and communities is an inspiration. I believe that the continued success of this apostolate provides a model for the Domestic Church in action.
Supreme Knight Patrick KellyKnights of Columbus
I support the work that Ever and Soren and the Trinity House Community team are doing because of the greatness of the cause: the family.
Steve PetulloMonthly Supporter
About Heaven in Your Home Gatherings
About Trinity House Café + Market
Trinity House demonstrates the power of hospitality in the public square, a ministry of presence, of sharing a meal with people.
Jennifer FulwilerAuthor and Sirius XM Radio Host
Just about everything about Trinity House Cafe makes you want to enjoy your time there, every single minute of it. The charm in its layout as a converted house...the selection of food for breakfast and lunch, the full flavor of their coffee, the peaceful surroundings in the interior, the friendliness of the staff. The entire vibe of the place is one of comfort and peace. It's everything you'd want in a quaint neighborhood cafe.
Bobbie P.Yelp Review
Visiting the cafe just gives me this peace in my soul...I strongly suggest bringing a friend for a brunch or taking your homework to the Cafe, to experience the peace I get when I go there for yourself!
George W.Yelp Review
Trinity House draws us closer to each other, to family and to the Church. It encourages quiet moments of rest, reflection and prayer—an evangelizing presence in a noisy world.
Msgr. John CreganDiocese of Arlington
Trinity House brought me back to the faith. It presents the faith in such a welcoming and beautiful way.
Trinity House Cafe CustomerLeesburg, VA
To me Trinity House delivers rest, renewal, community, peace, restoration, relationship, and you happen to serve coffee!
Grafton deButts VP, Loudoun Chamber of Commerce
Trinity House Café is an exciting and encouraging model of the local Church going on the offense in an unassuming yet effective and attractive way. As a platform for evangelization literally located at the corner of Church and Market Streets, Trinity House embodies the call to be a Church not in ‘maintenance mode,’ but rather in a permanent state of mission.
George WeigelDistinguished Senior Fellow, EPPC
We've been using Trinity House Cafe for our men's meetings for years and find the environment to be very conducive to fellowship, prayer, and scripture study. We always feel 'at home'. And anytime I need to have a confidential meeting with someone in need of emotional or spiritual help, I always recommend Trinity House. We've lived in Western Loudoun for almost 40 years and it has been a prayer of many Christians to see a ministry such as Trinity House Café. The Café has been an answer to that prayer.
K.C. EisenbergCross Current Church Leader
Trinity House, through its various welcoming and outreach activities, lovingly advances Catholic Christian culture. The recent Heaven in Your Home Letter on WiFi inspired our family to leave home (and WiFi) and hike to Weverton Cliffs MD, then down to the Potomac River for a wonderful family outing. Trinity House Community's communications are needed, timely, inspiring, and practical.... Also, my wife loves the Tolkien Latte and Trinity House Cafe truly has the best coffee in town.
Tom & Liz CarrollHamilton, VA