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A Blessed Trinity Sunday to You & Your Family!


Happy and Blessed Trinity Sunday! As we mark this special day in the life of every Christian—and especially for all those involved in the Trinity House Community ministry—we are happy to share “How to Connect the Trinity to Your Family Life” (and a prayer below), published today on Aleteia (and  here in Spanish: “Cómo conectar la Trinidad a cada aspecto de tu vida familiar“):

Talk to me about your growth opportunities,” a friend said as we assisted with a mock job interview last week. The young job-seeker responded, “Oh…you mean my weaknesses?” And we all laughed. Such an uncomfortable but necessary question! We all need growth opportunities and a big one has arrived today with Trinity Sunday.… Continue reading our article here.

Looking for a practical way to unite your family even more with the Holy Trinity today? Pray this prayer with your loved ones:

“Most Holy Trinity, thank you for the gift of our family. Heavenly Father, you created us in your image and welcome us as your beloved children. Jesus, you serve us with your life, death, and resurrection in the ongoing sacraments and life of the Church. Holy Spirit, you listen to our prayers and intercede for us.

Lord, strengthen us as we seek to welcome, listen to, and serve one another with greater love each day. Heal any wounds that prevent us from sharing your life-giving love. Show our family how to more faithfully reflect your image in our home, relationships, work and community. We invite you to dwell with us in our home—our Trinity House—as we seek to love one another as you first loved us.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.”

“What better way to promote the source and summit of our faith than by pointing our families towards building their own Trinity House? Many parishes in the Diocese of Arlington are benefiting from Trinity House Community Groups. I hope you will consider the model too.”

– Most Rev. Michael F. Burbidge, Bishop of Arlington (and author of the foreword to Heaven in Your Home Letters & Guide) 

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