Maybe our story will sound familiar. When we fastened the seatbelts in the rollercoaster of parenting for the first time, on an unforgettable day in February 2003, we didn’t have a vision, plan, or strategy. No one had shared a “Parenting 101” quick-guide with us. Yes, we loved the Lord and wanted our home to be a loving school for future saints, a “domestic church”….but as for the day-to-day details, we made it up as we went along.
We’re excited to share that in this month’s edition of the Word Among Us—the largest daily devotional for Catholics—we’re sharing just such a quick-guide. It’s about a 5-minute read (or check out the audio), and lays out the vision, plan, and strategy young families need.
Do you know a family who could use a little help? We’d be grateful if you would forward this to one couple today with a little note from you! They may be engaged, newly married, pregnant, or welcoming their first child, fourth child….or even empty-nesters who are now involved in their grandchildren’s lives. And invite them to sign up for the weekly Heaven in Your Home Letter (with free download of the one-page flowchart) here.
Without further ado, here’s “A Plan and Vision for Family Life: One Way to Bring Heaven into Your Home“:
“‘We’d love to hear more about Heaven in Your Home,’ a young dad joked just as one of our workshops was set to start, ‘because we have purgatory at the moment, and to be really honest, sometimes you might as well call it hell!’
My wife, Ever, and I laughed and glanced knowingly at one another. Just a few minutes before arriving at the parish, we had gotten into an argument….” [Read the full article here].

> If you’ve got three minutes to learn more about the mission of Trinity House Community, then check out this video featuring visuals of Trinity House Cafe + Market, our Trinity House Community Gatherings, and brief testimonials from Fr. Denis Donahue, Pastor of St. Philip’s in Falls Church, VA, and from several young couples.
> So many of you already have this hanging on your fridge or family bulletin board…the Heaven in Your Home Flowchart spells out the vision and strategies on one page. You can access it here.
> This month we’re celebrating the 9th anniversary of Trinity House Cafe + Market! Will you join this celebration by sharing a few words or even a little story about how the cafe has blessed you? We can’t wait to share these shout-outs on our social media platforms and here in the Heaven in Your Home Letters. Here’s the link where you can share your story!

> More and more parishes are stepping forward to serve families in a new way by launching a Trinity House Community Group! It’s not too late to subscribe and begin this ministry in your parish later this fall or next January. Here are 3 options for you to consider:
1. Learn more here. For just $499, your parish can access all the tools needed to host 5 transformative Gatherings for families in 2023-2024, including videos, discussion questions, marketing templates, catechetical resources, ongoing support, and more.
2. Book a 15-min. Demo Call at our calendar here.
3. Attend an upcoming Gathering and see for yourself! Here are some upcoming gatherings: Saturday, October 21st at Saints Philip and James in Baltimore (6:30 PM in the Church Hall); and Saturday, November 18th at St. Theresa’s in Ashburn, VA (stay tuned for more details). Or contact us to hear about others coming up!
> Soren will be giving a Heaven in Your Home Workshop as part of St. Theresa Catholic School’s Partnering with Parents initiative. The free event will take place on Thursday, October 26th, 9:15-10:30 AM in the St. Zelie Room. To reserve your spot, visit this page (free coffee AND free babysitting).
> If you’re in the Arlington Diocese, don’t miss the upcoming diocesan pilgrimageto St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Shrine and the National Shrine Grotto in Emmitsburg, MD, this Saturday, October 7th. Learn more here.
> Two more important events to mention for those in the DC area: There will be a GIVEN Gathering for Women on Saturday, November 11th, at St. Thomas a Becket in Reston (more info here); and a Loving Through Loss Couples’ Workshop for those grieving the loss of a child on Saturday, October 28th in Reston (more info here).

“Trinity House Community Groups offer families formation, fellowship, and the tools needed to live out and pass on their faith. Parishes are able to create groups — also called ‘Heaven in Your Home Gatherings’ — which invite not only parents but also kids to get together.”
— Catholic News Agency, “New Catholic Ministry Invites the Whole Family to Grow in Their Faith and in Community”