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Heaven in Your Home Letters

As the cold weather lifts, the list of things we want to get done around the house and yard seems to explode. Finally! we can get started on this or that project. Confession. As I …
If we had to pick a level at which most Trinity Houses fail to live up to the name, ours included, it would be Level 2, Person & Relationships. We may be truly convicted about Level …
We came across a fascinating statistic the other day. The average American home has 4.4 Bibles! Should we read this number as “glass-half-full” or “glass-half-empty”? we wondered. 4.4 is a lot, and arguably points to …
Ever’s maternal grandmother “Mimi” was beloved among her many grandchildren for her imagination. By day she was a no-nonsense doctor, but by night she was a storyteller extraordinaire, weaving astonishing tales of heroic feats in …
Today is Mardi Gras…Fat Tuesday…and if you’re like us, you’ll probably gather around the table to enjoy a memorable meal tonight. Food delights us and brings us together in so many ways, …
With the kids tucked in the other night, we decided to treat ourselves to an episode of a BBC series based on Middlemarch, one of Ever’s all-time favorite novels. You might say that frigid winter …
“For so many, faith is a rollercoaster,” our pastor shared in a recent talk that seems more relevant with every passing day in our fast-changing world. He went on to describe a …
We all can’t help but be a little fixated on politics lately. But it’s also a great moment to step back and look at the bigger picture. In the 4th week of …
We don’t know about you, but no one sat us down as newlyweds and gave us a clear picture of how to think about gender roles, division of labor, and authority in a marriage and …
Hey, wasn’t everything supposed to magically get better when we turned from 2020 to 2021?! But here we are—all seven in the Johnson household still at home seven days a week, without much …
Happy New Year! This time of year, it’s hard not to be swept up in resolution fever. Whether individually, as a couple, or a family, we can’t help but want to dream about …
Dear Friends, As the year comes to a close and we near our year-end appeal goal, here’s a look back at 10 images that capture the powerful, grace-filled story of the Trinity House Community ministry in 2020—and the …
As the cold weather lifts, the list of things we want to get done around the house and yard seems to explode. Finally! we can get started on this or that project. Confession. As I …
If we had to pick a level at which most Trinity Houses fail to live up to the name, ours included, it would be Level 2, Person & Relationships. We may be truly convicted about Level …
We came across a fascinating statistic the other day. The average American home has 4.4 Bibles! Should we read this number as “glass-half-full” or “glass-half-empty”? we wondered. 4.4 is a lot, and arguably points to …
Ever’s maternal grandmother “Mimi” was beloved among her many grandchildren for her imagination. By day she was a no-nonsense doctor, but by night she was a storyteller extraordinaire, weaving astonishing tales of heroic feats in …
Today is Mardi Gras…Fat Tuesday…and if you’re like us, you’ll probably gather around the table to enjoy a memorable meal tonight. Food delights us and brings us together in so many ways, …
With the kids tucked in the other night, we decided to treat ourselves to an episode of a BBC series based on Middlemarch, one of Ever’s all-time favorite novels. You might say that frigid winter …
“For so many, faith is a rollercoaster,” our pastor shared in a recent talk that seems more relevant with every passing day in our fast-changing world. He went on to describe a …
We all can’t help but be a little fixated on politics lately. But it’s also a great moment to step back and look at the bigger picture. In the 4th week of …
We don’t know about you, but no one sat us down as newlyweds and gave us a clear picture of how to think about gender roles, division of labor, and authority in a marriage and …
Hey, wasn’t everything supposed to magically get better when we turned from 2020 to 2021?! But here we are—all seven in the Johnson household still at home seven days a week, without much …
Happy New Year! This time of year, it’s hard not to be swept up in resolution fever. Whether individually, as a couple, or a family, we can’t help but want to dream about …
Dear Friends, As the year comes to a close and we near our year-end appeal goal, here’s a look back at 10 images that capture the powerful, grace-filled story of the Trinity House Community ministry in 2020—and the …

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