“Don’t let perfection be the enemy of the good.” Honestly, that’s one of the more helpful adages for us—since we often lament how our “good” falls short of our “perfect” ideal of family culture.
Even though we know that day-to-day life often doesn’t resemble a Norman Rockwell painting—with the family gathered around the table for a beautiful feast—we probably spend a little too much time wishing we could have more of that, failing to accept the good that’s possible.
But here’s the reality of quite a few evenings and weekends: most families (ours included) are pulled in 4 or 5 directions at once. Instead of a perfectly-set dining room table, we’re sitting in a minivan. According to some studies, 40 percent of parents spend at least 5 hours a week driving their kids, and a third spend over 10 hours behind the wheel.
This reality presents a question: what might “good” family culture look like in the car? When you’re on the go with your kids, what is the horizon for what is possible? How can we as parents leverage car time to build out Level 4, Family Culture?
First, let’s start with a commonplace scenario. Dad or Mom are absorbed in their own thoughts or doing a work call; meanwhile, the kids are in the backseat looking at screens. Sure, you might need to take the work call. And your daughter might need to be on her chromebook completing tomorrow’s homework. But it’s obvious that this kind of “car culture” is far from ideal.
Instead, we’re challenging ourselves with a more ennobling vision. Alongside the needed attention to driving, what if we leverage our time in the car with the following?
- Great Conversations. A friend and father of young kids recently shared, “Some of the best conversations we’ve had as a family were while driving to sports events.” The same can be true for all of us. With intentionality and focus, we as parents can initiate meaningful conversations in the car.
- Today’s News. Just 5 minutes of headlines can provide enough grist for us to lead a conversation that gives our kids perspective, understanding, critical thinking, and even a distinctively Catholic take on what is happening all around us. Whether it’s a news story on crime, election year politics, or war in the Middle East and Ukraine, the opportunities are there to make connections to history, scripture, Catholic social teaching, or our own experiences.
- Stories of Family & Heritage. Most families—ours included—just don’t take enough time to tell stories: about immigrant ancestors, grandparents, and our own early years (yes, your kids may yawn). When we take the time to do this, our kids feel more secure, rooted in their own identity.
- The Rosary & Spontaneous Prayer. On many occasions in the car, we’ve sensed how moods are worsening, and taking the lead by praying the Rosary or even a spontaneous prayer has saved the day for us. Even when moods are good, what a great moment for family prayer time!
- Singing. Turn on a Christian or Catholic radio station or any good playlist and sing together as a family. Music is at the heart of culture, and enjoying it together is one of the great joys of family life.
- Silence. To demonstrate that we don’t need stimulation all the time, we as parents can take the lead by getting more comfortable with silence—no radio, podcasts, or playlists. In the silence, we can invite the Lord to be present and deepen our peace.
“Were our hearts not burning within us,” the disciples recalled, “when He was speaking to us on the road, while He was explaining the Scriptures to us” (Lk 24:32)? Who knows but that our families may also be able to experience something beautiful on the road?!
This letter is adapted from a previous Heaven in Your Home Letter.

> “Being Catholic in the Car: Five Ways to Pray and Live Liturgically while Driving” (Catholic All Year) by Kendra Tierney offers helpful ideas, including praying the Memorare together when hearing a siren, and praying Eternal Rest when passing a cemetery.
> For leading your family in conversations to and from Mass, check out “Car Talk: Great Questions for Parents to Share with Children Before and After Mass” (Catechist.com) by David Dziena and Gloria Shahin.
> Erin Mohring’s “Making the Most of Carpool Conversations for Faith Talks with Your Kids” (Faith Gateway) shares some good tips, including “Ask them questions” and “Listen. Really listen.” More Family Culture Tools…

> We were blessed to join the 130+ crowd (pictured above) at St. Theresa’s in Ashburn last Saturday for their Heaven in Your Home Gathering! Mark your calendar and bring your entire family to enjoy one of the many upcoming Trinity House Community Gatherings, including: 6:30 PM, Sat., March 9th, Sacred Heart in Manassas (learn more here) | 6:00 PM, Sat., March 9th, St. Veronica in Chantilly | 6:30 PM, Sat. March 16th, St. John the Apostle in Leesburg | 6:30 PM, Sat., March 16th, St. Theresa in Ashburn (learn more and RSVP here) | 11:15 AM (Spanish) and 6:45 PM (English), Sat., March 16th, Christ the Redeemer in Sterling.
> We are honored to be giving the upcoming “Full of Faith: Your Marriage Is Hallowed Ground” day-long retreat for married couples on Apr. 13 at St. Bridget’s in Berryville, VA. We encourage you to invest in your marriage by setting this time aside to grow closer to one another and to our Lord.
Reserve your spot here.
> Curious about starting a Trinity House Community Group in your parish this fall? Learn more here and schedule a 15-minute call/zoom with our team here. For just $499, your parish can access all the tools needed to host 5 transformative Gatherings for families, including videos, discussion questions, marketing templates, catechetical resources, ongoing support, and more.

“I think every parent can benefit from this book… And if you’re worried that you’re ‘too late’ to live out the Trinity House in your own family, the Johnsons know from experience that it’s possible to ‘retrofit’ your family life. At the end of the book, you’ll find a toolkit that enables the wisdom of this book to really come alive in your own marriage and family.”
– Caitlin Bootsma, Author of Detective Thomas and the Biggest Question