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Level 1 — Faith Life

Married Saints…and the Rest of Us!

For those of us who feel the life of parenting young children isn’t suitable for attaining to any holiness, the witness of married saints is very welcome!  Their lives

After the Resurrection

“Please, take it and hide it!” our 12-year-old daughter begged us as she handed over her half-full Easter basket yesterday morning. A number of candy wrappers

The Truth About Our Bibles

We came across a fascinating statistic the other day. The average American home has 4.4 Bibles! Should we read this number as “glass-half-full” or “glass-half-empty”? we wondered. 4.4

The Key to Spiritual Stability

“For so many, faith is a rollercoaster,” our pastor shared in a recent talk that seems more relevant with every passing day in our fast-changing

In 2021, Go To Joseph

Happy New Year! This time of year, it’s hard not to be swept up in resolution fever. Whether individually, as a couple, or a family,

How Not to “Wait” for Christmas

We could be forgiven this Advent for slipping into a mindset of “waiting” for Christmas—for counting down to the Big Day. After all, this year

Jesus I Trust in You

Twenty years ago this past July, on a beautiful summer day in Krakow, Poland, we went on our first date. And that date took us to

Invite the Saints into Your Home

Imagine…. Today, your phone rings. A genealogical researcher introduces himself, and proceeds to inform you that you are related to a saint…that your family tree

Married Saints…and the Rest of Us!

For those of us who feel the life of parenting young children isn’t suitable for attaining to any holiness, the witness of married saints is very welcome!  Their lives

After the Resurrection

“Please, take it and hide it!” our 12-year-old daughter begged us as she handed over her half-full Easter basket yesterday morning. A number of candy wrappers

The Truth About Our Bibles

We came across a fascinating statistic the other day. The average American home has 4.4 Bibles! Should we read this number as “glass-half-full” or “glass-half-empty”? we wondered. 4.4

The Key to Spiritual Stability

“For so many, faith is a rollercoaster,” our pastor shared in a recent talk that seems more relevant with every passing day in our fast-changing

In 2021, Go To Joseph

Happy New Year! This time of year, it’s hard not to be swept up in resolution fever. Whether individually, as a couple, or a family,

How Not to “Wait” for Christmas

We could be forgiven this Advent for slipping into a mindset of “waiting” for Christmas—for counting down to the Big Day. After all, this year

Jesus I Trust in You

Twenty years ago this past July, on a beautiful summer day in Krakow, Poland, we went on our first date. And that date took us to

Invite the Saints into Your Home

Imagine…. Today, your phone rings. A genealogical researcher introduces himself, and proceeds to inform you that you are related to a saint…that your family tree

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