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Confession Breakthrough


The other evening, we were driving home after going to confession. You could sense the freshness in our (otherwise well-worn) minivan: the kids’ chatter was light, cheerful and peaceful. Our Lenten resolutions and the sacredness of the season seemed once again palpable, real. Something big is at stake, we seemed to sense.

Together, we had gone out to encounter Christ’s mercy, and now we were heading home to the daily arena where our love would be tested, deepened, and rooted ever more in Christ’s love.

As parents leading our kids on this journey, taking our place at the steering wheel and putting monthly confession on the calendar is, all at once, a privilege, duty, and a joy. And yet, how easy it is for us to slip into a patchwork approach to the Sacrament of Reconciliation! The months rush past, our consciences become clouded by our busyness and sins, and pretty soon we’re asking, “When was our last confession?”

Especially in this sacred season, we as parents should remember how there’s a freshness in the air in the days following confession. Our family, after all, has touched the hem of Jesus’ cloak; his healing mercy is at work. Family prayer and little acts of kindness are easier. Good things happen. The wind is in the sails, and you can see the spiritual momentum of the sacrament at work.     

Take it from us. In our earlier, blurrier years of long nights and diapers, we so often missed the chance to encounter God’s mercy for months at a time. Not surprisingly, everything was harder as a result. Now, as we do our best with a monthly schedule, we regularly experience this divine gift that lightens all our burdens.

The sacramental graces of Eucharist and Reconciliation fuel the very life of our Trinity House. When we prioritize regular confession, the family members have a near-simultaneous encounter with Christ’s mercy that blesses us all in unmistakable ways.

This Lent, we encourage you to reflect as a couple, and then perhaps in a family meeting, on these questions:

  • Where are we at with our family’s current experience of the Sacrament of Reconciliation?
  • If we are not weaving this into our family life already, what is holding us back?
  • What is one small step today to place confession back where it belongs, near the heart of our family’s growth in Christ?   

Now—in the heart of Lent—is the perfect time for our families to build or rebuild this spiritual discipline. Imagine the coming Easter celebration. Wouldn’t it be special to look back on Lent knowing that your family had begun or strengthened a rhythm of going to confession together?

“A clean heart create for me, God; renew within me a steadfast spirit… Restore to me the gladness of your salvation; uphold me with a willing spirit”! (Ps. 51: 12-14)

In “Celebrating Reconciliation with Kids: 9 Ways to Get Into the Habit” (Teaching Catholic Kids), Jerry Windley-Daoust offers helpful tips and talking points for common objections.

> Solid examinations of conscience are so important. Here are 6 various examinations compiled by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, a “Confession Guide for Children” (National Catholic Register), and an examination (PDF here) for adults from the Knights of Columbus.   

In “The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation” (, Fr. Joseph White, O.P., offers a basic overview of the sacrament as well as a good “family examination of conscience.” [More Faith Life Tools…] 

Check out our newest post at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ For Your Marriage: “The Key to Spiritual Stability” is a recap of an inspiring talk we heard by our pastor, Fr. Kevin Larsen, at St. John the Apostle in Leesburg. Thank you, Fr. Kevin!   

Mark your calendars for Sat., March 18th, for our next Heaven in Your Home Gathering at St. John’s! The seminarians currently volunteering at Trinity House Cafe + Market will share a special reflection on “Nurturing Vocations in Your Family.” Don’t miss it! Learn more here

> For those in the Diocese of Arlington, it’s not too late to register for the annual diocesan women’s conference (this Saturday). You’ll find more info here.    

“The most helpful part of the workshop for me was learning the Core Practices. They really translate the content into action and practical guidance. Thank you!” 

– 2/23 Workshop Participant, All Saints Catholic School  

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