Great news: As of today we’re 90% of the way to our mid-year goal of $40,000! Will you prayerfully consider joining our appeal and helping us reach our goal? Thanks to a generous challenge from the Ortner Family Foundation, your mid-year gift will be doubled. And with your monthly gift of $10-$49, you’ll receive a beautiful Trinity House Cafe handmade pottery mug. With a monthly gift of $50 or more, you’ll receive a mug as well as a signed and dedicated copy of our new book, Heaven in Your Home Letters & Guide! Please consider partnering with Trinity House with your gift today!
Did God Make a Bid Today?
We’ve long been intrigued by the idea of “bids,” which we first learned about in Dr. John Gottman’s The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work. In a key passage, he writes:
“In marriage, couples are always making what I call ‘bids’ for each other’s attention, affection, humor, or support. Bids can be as minor as asking for a backrub or as significant as seeking help in carrying the burden when an aging parent is ill. The partner responds to each bid either by turning toward the spouse or turning away.”
It’s common sense to say that a tendency to turn toward these bids is the basis for trust, intimacy, and a healthy marriage. And Gottman’s research proved this. In observation of newly-married couples’ reaction to one another’s bids, he assigned a score. In follow-up research, he found those who remained married had “turned toward their partner’s bids” 86 percent of the time, while those who ended up divorced had averaged only 33 percent. Ouch.
And all of this brings us to Faith Life, Level 1 of your Trinity House and our focus in the first week of each month. Building on Gottman’s insights, here are two questions: How attentive are you to God’s ‘bids’ for your attention on a daily basis? Do you have a tendency to “turn toward” Him in those mini-moments and everyday interactions?
God’s bids may come in the form of His Word, awaiting our prayerful contemplation each day. Or in our attentiveness to a loved one, whom God has entrusted to our care. Perhaps God is making a bid for our attention in Adoration, the Mass, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, or in a simple walk to enjoy His creation. Or His bids may be awaiting us simply in silence.
To be honest, these summer days of visits, camps, late nights, endless baseball games, traveling, and summer jobs can unfold at such a fast pace that we lose sight of God’s bids for our attention. Our kids’ schedules mean that five licensed drivers are currently competing for two cars; we know that these opportunities for our kids are blessings, but if we’re not careful, these “opportunities” can wear us down with fatigue, distraction, and even numbness.
The threshold of July is a beautiful moment to pause and take stock of our attentiveness to God’s bids for our attention in simple and practical ways:
- Take time to look for God’s bids next time you are praying with Scripture.
- Take an inventory of things in your life that are compromising your attentiveness to God’s bids (smartphones and scrolling, anyone?), and take steps to limit them.
- Invite the Holy Spirit to open your eyes anew to the divine bids that are coming your way each day.
- When you feel yourself turning away, pause and ask yourself, “Why am I resisting this chance to build trust and intimacy with Jesus?”
- Share a recap of God’s bids with your spouse or a trusted friend.
As in marriage, there’s an art and discipline to becoming more attentive to God’s bids. After all, we are deeply wounded by original sin. St. Augustine described sin as curvatus in se—being “curved inward on oneself”—which sounds like the antithesis of being attentive to bids. Given this, we shouldn’t be discouraged by our tendency to turn away, but simply commit to turning more toward God, little by little.
Our bodies are “temples of the Holy Spirit.” And we are beloved, adopted sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father. Jesus Christ—alive in us, alive in our marriages—has defeated sin and death, and along with it, our tendency to turn away. And “If Christ is for us, who can be against us?” If Christ is for us, how can we not but turn toward His bids in ever-deepening love?

> Here are 7 examples of how others might bid for our attention, or how we might make that bid ourselves, according to Psychology Today.
> The Lord is inviting us to an adventure in each present moment, as discussed in this Abiding Together podcast episode.
> God is making His own bids for our attention. Chris Stefanick and Pat Lencioni share how we can hear God’s voice.
> Fr. Columba Jordan, CFR, shares how we should approach God as children,recognizing our need for him. God wants to respond to our need for him, and it is in this encounter that our transformation begins.
> The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ For Your Marriage is currently featuring our post, “Sharing Heaven with Strangers.”

Book a meeting with our team here to chat about starting a Trinity House Community Group at your parish. It’s easy!
> Begin planning now to launch your own parish’s Trinity House Community Group this September or later this fall! Learn more here and schedule a 15-minute call/zoom with our team here. For just $499 ($399 if you subscribe by May 31st), your parish can access all the tools needed to host 5 transformative “Heaven in Your Home Gatherings” for families, including videos, discussion questions, marketing templates, catechetical resources, ongoing support, and more. Dioceses can also take advantage of three subscriptions for just $899. Ready to subscribe and launch a Group at your parish? Here’s where you can take the first step.

“Trinity House Community offers an easy-to-implement way for the families of your parish to gather for fellowship and formation, and to receive valuable tools that help parents live out their Catholic faith at home.”
– Beth Zanotelli, Family Life Coordinator, Diocese of Palm Beach