So many subscribers have entrusted us with prayer intentions! We’d love to pray for you at many of the sacred places in Rome in the days ahead. It’s not too late to send us your prayer requests: Just text or email your prayer requests to 703-669-2807 or ejohnson@trinityhousecommunity.org.
In an Arlington Catholic Herald preview piece by Zoey Maraist (“Leesburg Couple to Speak at World Meeting of Families“), Ever shared a snapshot of our talk for this Saturday:
“Discerning is all about being attentive to God’s voice amid the chaos and joy of family life. Each family is a communion of persons, an image of the Trinity, so the heart of discernment is to follow the Lord’s voice into an ever-deepening communion with him and between the family members. As part of a good atmosphere for discernment, we’ll be pointing to a vibrant faith life, healthy relationships, shared work in the household, a rich family culture, and an outward-focused hospitality and service.”
Hannah Brockhaus with Catholic News Agency posted a piece on the Trinity House Community ministry yesterday: “U.S. Couple to Share Advice for Catholic Family Life at World Meeting of Families.” Along with a preview of our talk, her piece includes a great overview of the Trinity House Cafe + Market ministry. Also, Ines San Martin at Crux News has posted “One Virginia Family Evangelizes One Cup of Coffee at a Time.”
We realize that the World Meeting of Families may seem far-off from your daily family life. But in a piece published on Aleteia this week—“What the World Meeting of Families Means for Your Family“—we share 5 specific ways that the World Meeting can connect with your own family.
Please keep us in your prayers, even as we lift you up in prayer on this special occasion! As we do, we can continue to use the words of the prayer for the World Meeting:
“Heavenly Father, we come before you to praise you and to thank you for the great gift of the family … Lord, grant that each family might live their specific vocation to holiness in the Church as a call to become missionary disciples… Amen.”
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P.S. With just 9 days left in this special campaign to expand the Trinity House Community ministry, we’re so grateful to the many Heaven in Your Home Letters subscribers who have already stepped forward with generous contributions! Thanks to so many (and to a $5K challenge match that effectively doubles your contribution), we’re already well on our way to hit our stretch goal! Make your gift today today of $10, $20, $50, $100, or more!

> Thanks to Chris and Jodi St. George (pictured here on the left, with the Gatherings core team members, left to right: Elizabeth and Paul Flynn, Maria and Mark Elszy, and Mark and Erin Voorheis) for their inspiring reflection on strengthening family culture at last Saturday’s Heaven in Your Home Gathering! Our next Gathering for the 2022-2023 year will reconvene on Saturday, September 24th.

“Trinity House Community is a great blessing to our Church and to the world.”
– Msgr. John Cregan, Diocese of Arlington