-Yelp Review of Trinity House Cafe + Market
On a beautiful fall afternoon last Saturday, we celebrated 10 years of Trinity House Cafe + Market‘s mission of bringing a “little taste of heaven” to the corner of Church & Market! We pray this outreach will give the public access to the Trinity House Way for family life and the amazing communities of Trinity House families that are popping up across our country! Below are Soren’s keynote remarks, which he shared alongside remarks by Leesburg Mayor Kelly Burk and Deacon Mark Voorheis, a board member of Trinity House Community.
As we celebrate 10 years of Trinity House Café + Market…the first 10 years! Ever and I think, “Why?” Why in the summer of 2014 did we – why did you? – look at this vacant former law office (and before that, a bail bonds office), overrun with weeds and poison ivy, and glimpse something special?
Why did hundreds of donors step forward to begin to partner with our nonprofit, which owns the cafe, with $10 per month gifts, or $25, or $100, and transform this into a “little taste of heaven at the corner of Church & Market,” an oasis, a place to linger, a place of peace?
- a barista chatting with you as your CS Lewis Latte is made, scones in the oven, bursts of laughter, the hum of Market St. traffic, 200-year-old floor boards gently creaking beneath your feet, the courthouse bell tolling across Market Street;
- cardinals or robins giving a little concert in the boxwoods, live music on the patio, the smell of fresh-cut grass, the roses blooming in the front yard, the lilac, the sound of an old friend bumping into you here, calling out your name and asking how you’ve been.
- the little gasp as someone walks through the blue front door for the first time, best friends catching up, children meeting friends in the back playroom or on a playdate on the patio, a pastor counseling a man to keep investing in his marriage, a teen talking with her mentor, Kwame Alexander encountering his muse as he wrote one of his books in the main dining room, a customer journaling, or sketching, or reading;
- a group of Cornerstone teens holding a praise and worship concert on this stage; a Bible study or men’s or women’s small group, gathering to discover new graces together and pray;
- the conversations at the café among law enforcement, fire-fighters, attorneys, county staff, veterans and other quiet servants who make up the “connective tissue” of our special community; a family’s “happy place” to hang out and play a board game;
- the place of a couple’s first date; or the couples who met for the first time within these walls, found love, and went on to marry (we know of at least three!); of a stranger approaching us the week after we opened and saying, “We haven’t met, but I’ve been praying for you and this place for many years, and now my prayers have been answered.”
- as a shy 16-year-old starts his or her first day on the job here, and emerges two years later with the confidence that comes from serving your community;
- as a skeptic of faith walks through the doors and glimpses a new way forward, perhaps an icon, a welcoming word, an old book or church pew, or the way the mid-afternoon sunlight softly plays on the beveled glass windows.
- as our staff, whose dedication is the beating heart of this special place, show up for their next shift to serve our amazing community.
- as my beautiful wife Ever blazed the trail,opened the café while I was working full-time in Arlington; while she covered early-morning and late-night shifts in those first years and beyond; as she brought our 3-year-old Charlie in tow, setting him up with crayons and paper within eyesight as she served customers.
- and as she kept reminding us when the chips were down: keep pressing forward, because God is doing something special here in our community.
- as she told a journalist just a few weeks after opening in 2014, “Our goal is to provide delicious food and drinks, but beyond that, we hope people will be touched by the spirit of hospitality at Trinity House. We want the warmth and beauty of the café to serve people’s deeper needs and bring them together to create a culture that is worthy of the human person.”
- of how in each of our lives, God the Father welcomes us to his table, to his love.
- of how the Holy Spirit listens to each of us, accompanying us, interceding for us.
- of how Jesus serves us by his life, death and resurrection,and beckons us to follow him to our Father’s house.
A few weeks before we opened, in the fall of 2014, Ever and I found some free church pews on Craigslist and went up to an African-American Baptist church that was closing in Baltimore. The elderly pastor met us and said, “I’ve done some good preaching over these pews. Take good care of them.” Only later did we learn that two generations of Methodist ministers lived at Trinity House in the 1800s, that the café basically is in a former parsonage.
As we journey into our next decade together, let’s continue to take good care of those pews, and of one another, as we follow Jesus, in the Spirit, to our Father’s house!

> You’ve probably seen it…but if not, check out the recent 3-minute EWTN special (now at nearly 9K views) on Trinity House Cafe + Market.
> Thanks to Ian Masson, founder of Agape Counseling & Consulting, for his feedback on last week’s Heaven in Your Home Letter, “Chore Charts, Great Expectations… and Reality.” Ian wrote, “This is a beautiful example of both structure and flexibility. I think it addresses a very real experience and I loved the point about adjusting to seasons and circumstances as well.”
> Today is the feast of St. John Paul II, who largely inspired us to open Trinity House Cafe + Market. This 2015 Loudoun Times-Mirror piece on the cafe, “A Place to Sit and Be,” draws that connection with the former pope. Ever also reflects in the article on the challenges of opening the cafe. She said, “I had a strong desire and drive to pursue this vision. But you don’t really know how hard it will be. Like with everything, God hides the hurdles, and then gives us the grace to get through them one by one. If we knew the enormity of the struggles we would go through, we would never choose to do anything worthwhile.“

> Mark your calendars and bring your entire family to enjoy one of the upcoming Trinity House Community Gatherings, including:
- Sat. Nov. 2nd at Blessed Sacrament in Alexandria, VA
- Sat. Nov. 9th at St. John the Apostle in Leesburg, VA
- Sat. Nov. 9th at St. Theresa in Austin, TX
- Sat. Nov. 16th at St. Francis de Sales in Purcellville, VA
- Sat. Nov. 16th at Ss. Philip and James in Baltimore, MD
- Fri. Nov. 22nd at the Basilica of St. Mary in Alexandria, VA
- Sat. Nov. 23rd at St. Bernadette in Springfield, VA
- Sat. Nov. 23rd at St. Bridget of Ireland in Berryville, VA
- Sat. Nov. 23rd at St. Theresa in Ashburn, VA
- Welcome to our newest Trinity House Community Group, Queen of Apostles in Alexandria, VA!
> Have you heard of Run with Saints? Check out this free platform that allows you to connect with others and strengthen your faith by finding nearby events and groups.
> Plan now to launch your own parish’s Trinity House Community Group later this fall or in January! Learn more here and schedule a 15-minute call/zoom with our team here. For just $499 ($399 for a limited time), your parish can access all the tools needed to host 5 transformative “Heaven in Your Home Gatherings” for families, including videos, discussion questions, marketing templates, catechetical resources, ongoing support, and more. Dioceses can also take advantage of three subscriptions for just $899. Ready to subscribe and launch a Group at your parish? Here’s where you can take the first step.

“My kids have worked here. My friends and I have met and prayed here. I’ve met with my pastor here. I’ve bought art and books here. I’ve attended lectures here to study and learn. But most importantly, I’ve seen people respond to the need for a space that acknowledges the universal need for faith, hope and love in our community and in our world.”
– Deacon Mark Voorheis, St. John the Apostle, Leesburg, VA, in remarks at the Cafe 10th Anniversary Celebration