Dear Friend,
To here this reflection read by Soren click here:
We awoke to some stunning news recently—news that your partnership, prayers, and friendship have made possible. We have been invited to bring Heaven in Your Home to Rome and to speak at the 10th World Meeting of Families!
Here is an excerpt from the message we received from an archbishop and a cardinal:
“I am pleased to invite you to be a delegate on behalf of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops to the 10th World Meeting of Families on June 22-26, in Rome, with the theme ‘Family Love: Vocation and Path to Holiness.’ We would be delighted to have you both as spouses and speakers, for a talk of about 15 minutes on ‘Discernment in Daily Family Life’ on June 25th. Pope Francis will personally attend the meeting, which is marked by an urgency ‘to discern the new challenges that the pandemic emergency poses to the ecclesial community with regard to families.’”
What a wonderful affirmation and opportunity to promote the mission of Trinity House Community—and this comes just seven years since opening the doors of Trinity House Café + Market, and just three years since launching our resources for families! A combination of assistance from the Vatican, the USCCB and the Diocese of Arlington will generously cover our travel and accommodations.
Untold new networks of families in the U.S. and around the world will gain access to the life-changing resources of Trinity House Community through this event! Your support—along with God’s innumerable graces—have brought us to this turning point.As we reach this point together with you, a partner in this ministry, we would like to share three requests:
- Will you please pray for us as we prepare? Here is a printable PDF of the official World Meeting of Families Prayer that we invite you to pray, not only for us and the Trinity House ministry, but also for your own family and for families all over the world.
- May we pray for you and your family? We are eager to use this week in Rome to bring the needs of our Trinity House Community friends, volunteers, staff, and supporters to the Lord in prayer. Please text or email your prayer requests so that we can pray for your needs at the sacred places we visit in Rome (ejohnson@trinityhousecommunity.org; 703-669-2807).
- Will you consider making a charitable gift—of $50, $100, $250, $500, or more—to help us leverage this unprecedented opportunity to reach new families in our community and around the world? We want to build on the trust you have placed in us. And thanks to generous supporters, your gift will be matched dollar for dollar up to $15,000 if we receive it before June 30th. Make your gift here today.
“It is from the love experienced in family life that the vocation of every child is born,” we read in the invitation letter to Rome. “It is love savored within the domestic walls that traces the first steps on the path to holiness.”
Amen! Even as families all over the world are reeling from so many challenges, we give thanks to God for this opportunity to strengthen the family, to witness to the love of family life, and to invite more families on this exciting path to holiness.
Thank you for your partnership and prayerful consideration of support at this critical moment for families everywhere!
Gratefully in Christ,
Soren and Ever
P.S. As we prepare to embark on this journey, join us in looking back at our Top Ministry Milestones already this year. And thank you for being part of this life-changing ministry and for your prayerful consideration of a charitable gift!

“I’m a monthly supporter of Trinity House Community because of the greatness of the cause: the family.”
– Steve Petullo, Bristow, VA