Flowchart Download
This flowchart is designed to live on your fridge. It serves as a daily reminder of your family’s goals and the simple steps you can take to find heaven in your home!
Discussion Questions Download
These discussion questions will guide you and your spouse as you navigate the workshop sessions and help you get the most out of your conversations!
Session 1: The Map
This session will answer questions like: How does heaven work? Why is God’s life the perfect model for the family? How can your family find peace and joy in daily life by following the example of the Holy Trinity?
Session 2: The Motivation
In the second part of the workshop, we will dive into questions like: How does the devil work to destroy family bonding and peace in your home? Is there hope for your family to refocus on God’s plan and priorities?
Session 3: The Blueprint
In this session, we dive into the five levels of a Trinity House. How can you enter into each level? What are some simple, practical things we can do to grow at each level? How does each level build on the others?
Session 4: The Tools
This session will answer questions like: What tangible spaces help us build out a Trinity House? What tools can we use to progress through the levels of a Trinity House? What does a Trinity House look like in daily life?