This week, we’d like to share with you a two-part series written by Soren, focusing on the two critical hinges of the day: the very first minutes upon waking, and the last minutes before falling asleep. Our renewed stewardship of these “hinges”—in small, practical ways—can bring countless benefits to our families.
How to Wake Up (To hear part 1 of this reflection read by Soren, click here.)
We’ve all seen plenty of intriguing articles like “9 Billionaires’ Morning Routines” or “The 5 Best Morning Routines of Productive People.” And as we cast about for life hacks and quick fixes, we can’t help but wonder if somewhere in our humdrum mornings lies the secret ingredient — to getting ahead, to success, to happiness.
To help in the quest, there’s a whole cottage industry of podcasts on morning rituals. One such podcast promises “effective morning routine tips and chats with entrepreneurs and thought leaders in their appropriate fields on how their healthy morning habits have contributed to their success.” On the bulletin board in my home office, I’ve even got a newspaper clip entitled “The Quiet Joys of the Very, Very Early Morning Club.”
Maybe some of my own fascination with mornings goes back to my evangelical Protestant upbringing. In my Christian grammar school and then my high school youth group, I always had to be ready for questions from peers, teachers or youth pastors that went something like this: “What has God been teaching you in your morning devotions? How have your quiet times been recently? Which part of God’s Word are you studying now?”
The questions sometimes grated on me, but the assumption was clear: If you’re not beginning your day in the Word and in prayer, you’re not only missing something big; in fact, you don’t even know how to wake up as a Christian…. [Read the rest of the column at The Arlington Catholic Herald here.]
How to Fall Asleep
(To hear part 2 of this reflection read by Soren, click here.)
A number of years ago, my youngest brother — on R&R from a U.S. Agency for International Development assignment in Fallujah, Iraq, during some of the worst violence — sleep-walked out a window. He fractured his jaw, broke both wrists and easily could have died. His relationship with sleep was upended.
Most of us, thankfully, do not drift off to sleep wondering if a neural misfire might lead us to a life-threatening accident. But at the end of the day, we all have to get ready for how we spend one-third — or about 26-33 years — of our lives: sleeping.
For the vast majority of us, the way we spend the minutes before lights-out can probably be described as whimsical or inconsistent. It’d be a stretch to say that we are purposeful or intentional. We’d be hard-pressed to articulate a “why,” a framework for the tail-end of our day… [Read the rest of the column at The Arlington Catholic Herald here.]

> As the seasons change, we’d encourage you to take a look at “Ode to Fall Family Work,” a post we wrote about preparing for winter, working together as a family, and celebrating Sundays.
> Staying on our budget has been very much on our minds lately with the ongoing inflation…and this caught our eye: “How a Catholic Family of 16 Lives Debt-Free” (Catholic News Agency)
> Jonathan and Amanda Teixeira have founded “Wallet Win” with a mission to help couples “eliminate debt, build savings, and change the world through generosity.” Learn more and check out their podcast here.

> Is a drive to Manassas, VA doable for you…this evening? If so, join us tonight, Tuesday, October 18, as we present the first part of our Heaven in Your Home Workshop at All Saints Catholic School, at 7 pm. Here’s the flyer for this free event that is sure to inspire and equip you as parents.
> Has Trinity House Cafe + Market blessed you? Join us in this 8th anniversary month by sharing your own Trinity House story or moment with us and other friends of the cafe. Even if it’s just a few words, share your thoughts here at our 8th Anniversary page! We’d love to hear how the Lord has blessed you through the Cafe’s ministry of hospitality.
Enjoy this Trinity House moment shared by Olivia: “I have loved ‘Trin’ ever since it opened, but it became one of the most special places in my life on November 1, 2018, when I met my now-husband for the first time at a Bible study in the upstairs gathering room. We knew it was meant to be when we both quoted C.S. Lewis to make a point during the discussion! We still come back often to share a C.S. Lewis Latte and a scone and remember how God has blessed us.”
> Have you heard of Hallow, the Catholic prayer and meditation app? They have shared a limited number of FREE three-month subscription cards for guests of Trinity House Cafe + Market, beginning this week. Stop by, pick up a gift card, and try 3 months on the app for free.

“I’m looking forward to implementing the Trinity House model in my life now, and when I get married next year.” – Gary Bond, Youth Apostle, All Saints Catholic Church, Manassas |