From Soren: After 11 years as a monthly columnist for the award-winning Arlington Catholic Herald, I made the decision to wrap it up in order to focus more fully on the blessings and challenges of the fast-growing Trinity House Community ministry. In the current issue, my “signing off” column was published. As I looked back on the 11 years, I tried to glean some key themes and offer them as challenges. And as you’ll see, I saved the best challenge for the end of the column.
A few weeks ago, I was driving my 16-year-old son to school when I broke the news that January’s Catholic Herald column would be my last. The growth of the Trinity House Community ministry, our weekly e-letter, and a forthcoming book — “Heaven in Your Home Letters & Guide: Inspiration & Tools for Building a Trinity House,” don’t leave enough hours in the day. I’ve been blessed to write this column since 2013, when this son was 5. […Read the rest of the column here.]

> Perhaps God has placed a word on your heart for 2024? In their “Word of the Year” episode, the hosts of the Abiding Together podcast each share their word and their hopes for the year ahead.
> We enjoyed “A New Year of Ordinary Time” (Luccia Selecchia) for its focus on how the Lord will most likely work in and through our lives in 2024 in quiet, ordinary ways.
> At ForYourMarriage.org, check out “New Year’s Resolutions for Couples.”
> In case you missed it in December, this new playlist of testimonials on our YouTube channel can provide you with insights about how to build and strengthen your own Trinity House.

> Mark your calendars and bring your entire family to enjoy one of the many upcoming Trinity House Community Gatherings, including: 6 PM this Sat., Jan. 20th at Precious Blood in Culpeper (their kick-off gathering!). Just bring a potluck dish to share. Questions? Contact kwilton@pbcconline.com; 6:30 PM this Sat., Jan. 20th at St. Theresa’s in Ashburn, school cafeteria (RSVP here); 6:30 PM on Sat., Jan. 27th at St. John the Apostle in Leesburg (no RSVP; learn more here); 6:30 PM on Sat., Jan. 27th at Sacred Heart, Manassas (learn more here); and 6:30 PM, Sat. Feb. 10th, Saints Philip and James in Baltimore (learn more here).
> It’s not too late to kick off your parish’s own Trinity House Community Group in Feb. or even March! Learn more here and schedule a 15-minute call/zoom with our team here (or here to learn about the Spanish translation). For just $499, your parish can access all the tools needed to host 5 transformative Gatherings for families, including videos, discussion questions, marketing templates, catechetical resources, ongoing support, and more.
> Do you have high-quality used books in need of a new home? As part of our “apostolate of books,” Trinity House Cafe + Market’s accepts used book donations in the categories of theology, spirituality, children’s books, history, Great Books, and classics. You can leave your donation just inside the side door of the cafe.

“The vision that Soren and Ever have for building faithful Catholic families and communities is an inspiration. I believe that the continued success of this apostolate provides a model for the Domestic Church in action.”
— Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly, Knights of Columbus