“We pray for our country,” we’ve been adding as a petition to our family prayers lately, and of course, in a special way, today.
But shouldn’t we be praying for our country every day—in season and out of season—regardless of what’s going on? And rather than feeling like an obligatory add-on, shouldn’t prayers like this spring up naturally out of gratitude and concern for our homeland?
In the first week of each month, we focus on Faith Life, or Level 1 of our Trinity House. And it’s only fitting that on this election day, we conduct a little examination of conscience with regard to prayers for our country. To be candid, we definitely go through seasons in which the petitions in our family prayer times mostly revolve around the health of family, friends, neighbors, upcoming tests, work, and even pets. And our country falls by the wayside.
“It is the duty of citizens,” the Catechism reminds us, “to work with civil authority for building up society in a spirit of truth, justice, solidarity, and freedom.” Of course, this means voting today, as well as paying taxes and defending one’s country. But it doesn’t end with voting and taxes. Saint Paul, the Catechism continues, “exhorts us to offer prayers and thanksgiving for…all who exercise authority, ‘that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, godly and respectful in every way’” (2240).
“Offer prayers…” It’s easy to view this as another box to tick off in an already long list of spiritual practices. But another line in the Catechism helps us see beyond that way of thinking. “The love and service of one’s country,” we read, “follow from the duty of gratitude and belong to the order of charity.”
Love. Service. Gratitude. Charity.
Now we’ve reached bedrock. The family, what the Catechism calls a “natural society,” is where our children are formed to “learn moral values, begin to honor God, and make good use of freedom.” As part of this formation, we as parents need to ensure that our children pick up on our love and service of country—where an “attitude of gratitude” is in the air, and where prayers for our country come naturally.
“We pray for our country.” Yes, today, tomorrow, and in the years ahead!
Heaven in Your Home Toolkit
This beautiful Prayer for America is so fitting for today and the days ahead. Archbishop John Carroll, the first U.S. bishop, wrote it in 1791.
Has it been a while since you opened your Catechism for a reminder on your family’s relationship with society? Here’s the “Family and Society“ section. And if you’re feeling like a deep dive into understanding your family’s divine mission, pick up St. John Paul’s II masterful Letter to Families (here on Amazon for $7.99).
Looking for a way to be more specific as you pray for our country? Focus on the Family has offered this helpful “31 Days of Prayer“ (a 10-page pdf). And from the USCCB, here are sample intercessions which any family can include in prayer.
Fasting is a powerful form of prayer. Consider fasting from one or more meals, or an entire day, with a specific intention for our country. Here’s a helpful list of Friday fasting intentions to help you get started.
Will Wright, in “The Virtue of Patriotism“ at Catholic Link, provides clarity on love for one’s own country, as well as practical suggestions, including serving our fellow citizens with our corporal and spiritual acts of mercy.
In an inspiring column for this week’s Arlington Catholic Herald, “Planning the Day After Election,” Elizabeth Foss offers an hour-by-hour way to spend November 4th. “Let it be the beginning of a new era, the beginning of something beautiful in your life and the lives of people you encounter,” she writes.
Next week we’ll celebrate Veteran’s Day, a fitting occasion to reach out and express our gratitude to those who have served. Honoring the fallen—including visiting their graves—is another way we as a family have expressed our love of country over the years. On that note, here is a piece for the Richmond Times-Dispatch Soren wrote years ago about bringing flowers to the graves of the fallen.
Many of our readers responded to our reflection last week on “Take Up & Read: The Wonder of Reading Aloud.” Ever’s beloved Aunt Barb dropped us a note to say, “I remember your dad reading The Secret Garden to you kids in the living room. I was about 17, and I had never read that book, so I listened with as much interest as you kids and I ended up reading it myself.” See, even teenagers love being read to!
In case you missed the beautiful beatification of Fr. Michael McGivney last Saturday, here’s the video.
Around the Corner…
Speaking of those who exercise authority, Christ the King Sunday, or the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, is just a couple weeks away on Nov. 22nd. Instead of letting it slip by, why not prepare for it in a special way as a family? Whether it’s just learning more about it, praying a novena in the lead-up to it, a trip to a nearby shrine, or even family consecration, this can be a powerful time for you and your family.
“On Deutschlandradio Kultur, I heard about your wonderful cafe. Thank you so much for your work and your mission to create a place where everyone can find friendship, hope, confidence, humanity and faith in the future. It’s gorgeous to hear about this extraordinary place in these difficult times.” — Christoph S., Stuttgart, Germany
Media Mention
Doris Simon, Washington correspondent for the German radio station Deutschlandradio, happened across Trinity House Cafe a few weeks ago on a long bike ride. After several follow-up visits and conversations at the cafe with iconographer Colette Kalvesmaki, Ever, Fr. Thomas Cavanaugh, and others, she filed her story (in German).
Please Join Us In Prayer
- For today’s election, for our nation, and for wisdom for all public officials (also see the 2020 Election Novena, Prayer Before an Election and Prayer After an Election, from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops);
- For healing for those struggling with COVID-19, and for strength and safety for all medical personnel;
- For forgiveness for the times when we have failed to love and respect one another, and for healing from racism;
- For those struggling with despair, depression, anxiety, and mental illness, that we might seek to love and encourage them;
- For all those seeking employment;
- For the ministry of Trinity House Community, including the staff of Trinity House Cafe, and all individuals and families who are seeking to reflect the life of the Trinity in their homes.

Soren & Ever Johnson
Founders & Directors
Trinity House Community
Making Home a Little Taste of Heaven