Dear Friend,
This week we’re happy to share with you a 30-min. video-podcast interview we recorded with the Diocese of Arlington’s Billy Atwell, Chief Communications Officer, for the Searching for More Podcast. Below is a list of the questions we address. Soren says if you only have 3 minutes, listen to Ever’s answer to the last question (at 29:50) and be encouraged!
– “How did we get to where we are (with respect to the challenges facing the family?” Spoiler alert: Ever responds by saying this is an “easy” question! (Ever at 1:30)
– “Many parents weren’t raised in the faith… What would you say is a starting point for parents who don’t know where to start?” (Soren at 4:55)
– “What is the ‘domestic church,’ and how should that play a role in our life?” (Ever at 7:00)
– On creating an immersive Catholic experience in our homes. (Ever at 9:40)
– “How does the breakdown of the domestic church lead to the types of problems we’re seeing…but how is the domestic church also the answer?” (Soren at 12:25)
– “What is the big picture of St. John Paul II’s Familiaris Consortio and why should people dig into it?” (Soren at 16:13; Ever at 18:13)
– “What are some things you have done with your family (to build family culture)?” (Soren at 23:08; Ever at 24:54)
– “What is Trinity House Community?” (Soren at 27:37)
– “For a parent who is struggling…what would be your encouragement or consolation to them as they try to get their family on track?” (Ever at 29:50)

> For great thinking and tips on Christian household economy, check out Professor John Cuddeback’s Life Craft site.
> This coming Sunday is the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. We encourage you to make the most of it (the last Sunday of the liturgical year before the start of Advent the following Sunday) by discussing the readings with your children.
> “Why the Feast of Christ the King?” (by John Pronechen for the National Catholic Register) provides a great refresher on the significance of this Sunday in our liturgical calendar. More Household Economy Tools…

> For readers in our area, mark your calendars for Sat. evening, Nov. 20th! We’ll host Christendom College’s Dr. John Cuddeback for our next Heaven in Your Home Gathering at St. John the Apostle Catholic Church, Parish Center, 7-8 p.m. Kids are welcome, so bring the whole family! Dr. Cuddeback will kick off our evening with a brief reflection on “Revitalizing Home Life by a Household Economy.” Learn more at our Gatherings landing page here, Facebook event page here (a great page to share with your FB friends), and invite a friend.
> Would you like a hard copy of the Trinity House Community’s 2021 Annual Report? Just send us an email at contact@trinityhousecommunity.org with your mailing address, and we’ll put it in the mail.
> Jump start your family life by investing 60 minutes in learning about how to build your own Trinity House from the ground up! Our 4 transformative 15-minute videos, the Heaven in Your Home Workshop, are now online! Share this new resource with others by forwarding them the link to this sign-up page to gain immediate access.

“The online Heaven in Your Home Workshop is well thought out. Very impressive! I believe that it will touch many hearts and build up the Church and the family.”
– Monsignor John Cregan
Diocese of Arlington