Dear Friend,
As we focus on Faith Life—Level 1 of your Trinity House—in the first week of each month, we’re happy to share Soren’s reflection on the power of his dad’s witness, published in the April issue of Columbia magazine and online here (p. 25). To hear Soren read this reflection, click here.
Cancer took my dad several years ago, but nothing will ever take the memories I have of him reading his Bible. I keep one of his marked-up, dog-eared Bibles within eyesight of my desk. And it constantly causes me to ask: Am I emulating his discipling in the Word, such that I too will leave a legacy for my children when I’m gone?
My dad, Tom Johnson, was an early riser, taking his Bible and his first cup of coffee into the living room. If I were up that early, I’d catch him head-down in Scripture in his usual chair.
Little did I know then, but Dad’s morning ritual was a way of peering into the truest mirror, seeking to see what he looked like from God’s perspective. His near-daily reference to the mirror of God’s Word gave him unique access to something many fathers lack. Without it, he would have been like so many other dads, careening back and forth in pursuit of one false image of himself after another: the independent Tom, the successful Tom, the strong Tom, the wealthy Tom, the charismatic Tom…
“For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his own face in a mirror,” writes St. James in his no-nonsense epistle. “He sees himself, then goes off and promptly forgets what he looked like” (Jas. 1:23-24). Or, to quote a character in a movie I saw recently, “Having looked that problem squarely in the face, let us now pass on.”
We laugh, but unfortunately, too many of us take that passive approach to life. We wake up, briefly look our problem—ourselves—squarely in the face, and “pass on,” rushing to check our smartphones before running into our jammed schedules. If St. Jerome was right—that “ignorance of scripture is ignorance of Christ”—then we are are unaware of our own identity.
Sixty percent of Americans read the Bible less than five times per year, according to recent studies, and only nine percent of adults read the Bible daily. If these findings are accurate, then there are a lot of parents out there who don’t even know what they look like in the Lord, who are leading their children to ignorance of Christ and a life in the shallow end of the pool.
“Men who read the Bible grow in grace, wisdom, and peace,” Bishop Thomas Olmsted of Phoenix writes in his apostolic exhortation Into the Breach. What’s more, he asserts, “If a man’s children see him read the Scriptures, they are more likely to remain in the Faith.”
The stunning simplicity of this led one priest at a men’s conference I attended to nearly shout: “Gentlemen! This is your new rule: Bible before breakfast! Bible before bed! No Bible? Then no breakfast for you! No Bible? Then no bed for you!”
True spiritual leadership today means casting our distractions aside and gazing into the mirror of God’s Word to seek our true identity as beloved children of our Heavenly Father. Infinitely loved. Created in His Image. Called by Him to lead our families into the knowledge and love of Christ.
Never before in history have Catholic parents had so many resources available to go deeper in the Word: Catholic study Bibles, daily Mass readings with commentary, even a Bible in a Year podcast. No more more excuses—let’s do it. Read the Bible before breakfast. Talk about the Word at the dinner table with your kids or in the car on the way to soccer practice.
Remember that our earthly sojourn will someday end. May we resolve to give our children the breathtaking memory of having caught us in the early and hushed stillness of the morning—as we looked into the mirror, beholding the person God sees.

> When it comes to forming our children with the Word of God on a daily basis, we can’t say enough about how much the Magnificat devotional ($47 for one year’s subscription to paper + digital) has helped us. Our kids take turns doing the Scripture readings, and over time, we’ve seen how praying the Church’s own liturgy as a family has strengthened their understanding of God’s Word.
> To receive the daily readings via email each morning from the USCCB, subscribe here.
> “Holy Week: Ideas for Families” (Teaching Catholic Kids.com) by Lorene Hanley Duquin can help you and your family to find special little ways to celebrate Holy Week and prepare for Easter.
> “Holy Week Preparation” (Catholic Culture) by Jennifer Gregory Miller is another good resource. Here’s one idea that stood out: “Good Friday has a somber mood. Technology is unplugged.”

“We attended our parish mission led by Soren and Ever and it was great to see that we are not alone in striving for a home where faith and family come first. We were able to see some things that we’re doing well and others that need work. Soren and Ever are great at challenging parents to lead their families closer to Heaven.“
– Keith and Melissa Pohlmeier, Parishioners at St. Bernadette’s, Springfield, VA