Have you heard about the new movie Cabrini, coming out in March? Look up the trailer and feast your heart on a snippet of the story of Saint Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini, an Italian immigrant sister and the first canonized U.S. citizen. Despite her frail constitution, she bravely took on the world of 19th-century New York and the endless needs of its immigrants.
Where most New Yorkers turned away, Mother Cabrini and her Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, went intrepidly toward Jesus in distressing disguises—founding orphanages, schools, and hospitals to serve those in need. And their work didn’t stop in New York.
Before there was such a thing as social services, these Missionary Sisters provided them in Illinois, Oregon, Louisiana, Colorado, California, and Pennsylvania, and even went on to found many institutions in Latin America and Europe. Of course, Mother Cabrini and her sisters were just one community among many Catholic institutes and orders providing for those in need.
Just in this little corner of January, we celebrate the feasts of St. Marianne Cope, St. Angela Merici, and St. John Bosco, known variously for founding hospitals, caring for lepers, and educating poor children. In short, no institution in the history of the world has ever done so much community and social service as the Catholic Church, not even close.
Where does this leave us as parents striving to raise our children in this Great Tradition? As you know from having learned the five levels of a Trinity House, hearts that are won for Christ will eventually overflow and share their taste of heaven with family, friends, neighbors, and even strangers. We’re all heading toward Level 5, Hospitality & Service.
As we read the stories of saints who are shining examples of Hospitality & Service, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. But we have to remember that the vast majority of these saints were not married with children. God hasn’t called most of us to join with a band of religious sisters or brothers to serve the poor. But he has called us to at least introduce our children to this flower of Christianity!
Here are a few suggestions of things we can do to prepare our children to play their part in the beautiful current of charitable works that is the life of the Church throughout the world and throughout history:
- For those old enough, take them to see Cabrini and other movies about the lives of the saints!
- Make it a habit to read from the Lives of the Saints to younger children.
- All parishes engage in some form of social services, even if just by virtue of the fact that needy people in the congregation naturally ask at the parish office for help. Find out how you and your children can help—maybe with a food or coat drive or with help for the elderly or homebound.
- Get together with other parish families to volunteer at local social service outlets, like the homeless shelter, food bank, or nursing home.
Having our material needs met is only the beginning for each of us. So let’s make sure there are still volunteers with a heart for Christ to shine his lightfor those in need.
Mother Cabrini, pray for us!

> Looking for other strategies and ideas for your family’s Level 5 in 2024? Check out our other posts here. And if you’re looking for a good place to start, try “The Crown of Your Trinity House.”
> Check out our currently featured post at the USCCB’s For Your Marriage,“Resolve Now to Reduce Friction.”
> With Pope Francis’ announcement that 2024 is a Year of Prayer, “a year dedicated to rediscovering the great value and absolute need for prayer in one’s personal life, in the life of the Church, and in the world,” we encourage all families to identify intentional ways to mark this year in the daily prayer life of your Trinity House.

> Mark your calendars and bring your entire family to enjoy one of the many upcoming Trinity House Community Gatherings, including: 5:00 PM on Sat., Feb 10th, St. Philip’s, Falls Church; 6:30 PM, Sat., Feb. 10th, Saints Philip and James in Baltimore (learn more here); and 6:00 PM, Sat. Feb. 17, at Precious Blood in Culpeper (complete with chili cook-off! Learn more here on p. 4)
> We are honored to be giving the upcoming “Full of Faith: Your Marriage Is Hallowed Ground” day-long retreat for married couples on Apr. 13 at St. Bridget’s in Berryville, VA. We encourage you to invest in your marriage by setting this time aside to grow closer to one another and to our Lord. Reserve your spot here.
> For those near Manassas, Soren will be giving a Theology on Tap talk entitled “The Holy Trinity & the Best Version of Yourself” on Mon., Feb. 12, 7:30 pm, City Tavern, 9550 Center Street. Learn more here.
> It’s not too late to kick off your parish’s own Trinity House Community Group in Feb. or even March! Learn more here and schedule a 15-minute call/zoom with our team here (or here to learn about the Spanish translation). For just $499, your parish can access all the tools needed to host 5 transformative Gatherings for families, including videos, discussion questions, marketing templates, catechetical resources, ongoing support, and more.
> For those in the D.C. area, check out a number of great upcoming events—including retreats and conferences—at the Diocese of Arlington’s event page.

“What couple does not want to have heaven in their home? Our Trinity House Community Group is amazing…because it provides levels and steps to get there…and opportunities to learn from other couple. In that pursuit of learning from other couples, you not only build your own home, but you also build community. It’s really beautiful.”
—Mike Rook, Falls Church, VA