“A tenth for charity!” a man named Moshe exclaims in a movie we saw recently.
He and his wife, Hasidic Jews in Jerusalem, are unemployed and in dire straits. But suddenly, there’s a knock on the door, and they learn they are the recipients of a $1,000 gift from their synagogue. Just moments after experiencing the relief, Moshe grabs $100 from the envelope, runs into the street, and gives it to a neighbor who is also unemployed and in need. Moshe’s joy is irrepressible. (This moment comes at 3:30 in this clip, if you want to enjoy the scene).
“A tenth for charity!”
In this season of Thanksgiving, followed closely by Advent and Christmas, we naturally turn to our family and friends with a spirit of generosity, of giving gifts. And let’s face it: it’s very easy to limit our focus to our dear, loved ones, and find little to nothing leftover for charity.
That’s why the scene with Moshe and his wife Michal—rooted in the biblical mandate to give—is so timely for us to consider. They joyfully give a tenth from their newly-received gift. The Lord receives their first-fruits—not their leftovers.
In the Trinity House Community ministry, we have been humbled to be the recipients of the first-fruits of others. One supporter sent us a check recently, along with a note in which he explained that, on the anniversary of his mother’s passing, a stock he owned unexpectedly jumped 28%. That same day, he cut checks to several charities with the proceeds. “Thank you for answering the call to do God’s work in the community,” he wrote. Like Moshe, he gave quickly and with joy, and moved on. As parents, we are trying to model this to our children.
As we’ve reflected on the joy that comes with generosity, we see two important truths emerge. One, like Moshe, our first thoughts need to gravitate toward the less fortunate. Right away…as quickly as possible, we need to allow the freedom of this generous way of life to spill over. It’s like love, really. We can’t hoard it. We need to give our love freely.
Secondly, we need to carefully plan for generosity. In the third week of each month, we focus on Level 3 of a Trinity House, Household Economy. The core of this level is shared work as a family—the many ways we roll up the sleeves together—but it’s also based on a strong family budget and finances. This time of year, it’s important to recall that the goal of a solid Household Economy is not simply our own security; we need to plan to be able to help others.
In our own experience, we’ve learned that the Moshe-style spontaneous giving and the careful budgeting don’t happen by accident. We desperately need the cornerstone of Level 3, our weekly Life Meeting together as spouses, during which we seek to plan out the upcoming week’s shared work, schedules, budget, and more. The plodding focus of this meeting may seem to contrast with the joyful spontaneity of Moshe and Michal’s rush to give—but it is arguably more fundamental. Perhaps these are like the two sides of a coin: one is swift to give, the other is slower and more intentional. We need both.
As we enter into this season of generosity, let’s enjoy the gifts God has given us as we share them with our family and loved ones. And yes, let’s also run with haste—and plan with care—so that we can share God’s blessings with others!
Do you have a question, suggestion, or testimonial for Trinity House Community? We’d love to hear it and possibly feature it in an upcoming Heaven in Your Home Letter! Just shoot us an email at contact@trinityhousecommunity.org.
Regarding the planning part of giving, here’s some good food for thought: “6 Ways to Make Charitable Giving Part of Your Year-Round Budget” (NBC). And with regard to spontaneity, here’s an inspiring brief reflection on the generosity of Jacob: “Rare Generosity is Spontaneous” (at emite.org).
Admittedly, giving and stewardship are vast topics. To help you go deeper, check out a list of articles, websites, and videos we compiled in this recently-archived issue of the Heaven in Your Home Letters.
“Old Trees, New Pears” is Soren’s column in the current issue of the Arlington Catholic Herald. Along with some photos from the Johnson backyard, the column invites us to reflect on how we can use all the gifts and resources around us to make our Household Economy shine.
Are you curious to learn more about your own home’s Household Economy, or Level 3? It’s a vast world of chores, workshops, gardens, food preparation, tools, and other shared work. To catch up on our previous Household Economy posts, check out this resource page at our site.
Around the Corner…
There’s still time to sign up and benefit from inspiring speakers at the virtual conference Questioning Faith? Questioning Church?. The conference will offer over 30 presentations in two tracks, one for seekers and the other for their companions, and go live on November 20. The videos will be available to participants until January 31, 2021. Admission is $49.99.
Christ the King Sunday, or the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, is coming up this Sunday, Nov. 22nd. Instead of letting it slip by, why not prepare for it in a special way as a family? Whether it’s just learning more about it, joining a novena, a trip to a nearby shrine, or even family consecration, this can be a powerful time for you and your family.
With Black Friday and Cyber Monday around the corner, have you chosen Trinity House Community yet as your AmazonSmile non-profit recipient? Just go to to your Smile.Amazon.com page, and under “Your Account,” choose “Your Amazon Smile” and select “Trinity House Community” as your recipient. And then don’t forget to shop at smile.amazon.com. Thank you!
As of today, we’re two weeks out from launching our 2020 year-end appeal to support the life-changing ministry of Trinity House Community. We invite you to pray and reflect about whether you can step forward at year-end with a one-time gift or monthly commitment. We have bold plans for reaching more families in 2021 than ever before—and since we are 100% reliant on donations, we need your help!
Now Hiring…
Trinity House Community is seeking a 10-20 hr/week Ministry Coordinator. Learn more about this exciting new position here.
“Just about everything about Trinity House Cafe makes you want to enjoy your time there, every single minute of it. The entire vibe of the place is one of comfort and peace. It’s everything you’d want in a quaint neighborhood cafe.” – Bobbie P., 5-star Yelp Review of Trinity House Cafe
Please Join Us In Prayer
- For the upcoming celebration of the Feast of Christ the King, that it would be a time of reflection on our servant King, and an opportunity for us to imitate his attitude of humility and service to others.
- For our nation (see this Prayer After an Election, from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops);
- For safety and healing for all those impacted by the current surge in COVID-19, and for all medical personnel;
- For those struggling with despair, depression, anxiety, and mental illness, that we might seek to love and encourage them;
- For the ministry of Trinity House Community, including the staff of Trinity House Cafe, and all individuals and families who are seeking to reflect the life of the Trinity in their homes.

Soren & Ever Johnson
Founders & Directors
Trinity House Community
Making Home a Little Taste of Heaven