As we focus with you in this first week of June on Faith Life, Level 1 of your Trinity House, we’re happy to share our newly-published reflection on surrender in the current issue of Columbia, the Knights of Columbus magazine. Those who have their Heaven in Your Home Flowchart handy know that Surrender is the key principle for Level 1. Read the reflection below or here…

> You can find the Surrender Novena on Hallow here or through a quick Google search. Novena Cards has just come out with a very nice accordion-folded version here.
> We really enjoyed our recent conversation with Cordial Catholic’s Keith Little! You can listen to the podcast here or watch the video at the link here.

> Just released today: Two new testimonial videos from participants of our Trinity House Community Groups, now present in 8 states! Find these videos on our YouTube page.
> Our team had the pleasure of attending the Heaven in Your Home Gathering at Sts. Philip and James in Baltimore this weekend.
> Book a meeting with our team here to chat about starting a Trinity House Community Group at your parish. It’s easy!
> Begin planning now to launch your own parish’s Trinity House Community Group this September or later this fall! Learn more here and schedule a 15-minute call/zoom with our team here. For just $499 ($399 if you subscribe by May 31st), your parish can access all the tools needed to host 5 transformative “Heaven in Your Home Gatherings” for families, including videos, discussion questions, marketing templates, catechetical resources, ongoing support, and more. Dioceses can also take advantage of three subscriptions for just $899. Ready to subscribe and launch a Group at your parish? Here’s where you can take the first step.

“It’s an amazing conversation. Please do watch this. Enjoy it. It’s going to rock your socks off. This is an awesome initiative. This vision is at the heart of the Church.”
–Keith Little, Cordial Catholic