How are you? “I’m so busy!”
We all say it — and we all say it all the time. It’s a status symbol. The busier we are, the more important we are. Busy is an adjective meaning “engaged in action,” “occupied,” “being in use,” or “full of activity.” America rewards, incentivizes, and celebrates activity.
Don’t believe me? Just look around on any Sunday. Is our culture observing rest, worship, a cessation of work, and focused family time — or is it pushing and guilt-tripping you into even more activity?
Are your kids busy? You bet. They’re taking after us parents — “engaged in action” and “full of activity” — and they better be. If you’ve taken one glance at today’s college applications, you know that there are dozens of questions gauging just how busy they’ve been. If you want the acceptance letter and the scholarship, get busy.
But here’s what I keep wondering: How about the soil in our backyards — is it busy?
[Click here to read the entire column at the Arlington Catholic Herald].

> In “Being Too Busy Impedes the Spiritual Life,” Constance Hull (Catholic Exchange) writes, “Being busy does not equate to holiness, in fact, it can be an impediment on our journey to holiness. Many of the saints, as busy as they were fulfilling God’s appointed mission for each one of them, were entirely focused, centered, and in communion with the Most Holy Trinity at all times.”
> For St. Patrick’s Day this Friday, consider how you as a family can deepen your faith together. In “Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day the Catholic Way,” (Catechist’s Journey) Julianne Stanz suggests, “You can renew your baptismal promises, pray some of St. Patrick’s prayers, enjoy a special meal together as a family, and give thanks to God who often pardons, in the words of St. Patrick, our ‘folly and carelessness.'”
> And the Solemnity of St. Joseph, patron saint of families, is just around the corner, next Monday, March 20th! In “Joseph Shows the Way,” (Columbia Magazine) Soren suggests that St. Joseph shows us 5 “countercultural qualities” to emulate.

> Join us this Saturday, March 18th, for our next Heaven in Your Home Gathering at St. John’s! The seminarians currently volunteering at Trinity House Cafe + Market will share a special reflection on “Nurturing Vocations in Your Family.” Don’t miss it! Learn more here. And if your parish is considering launching a Trinity House Community Group this fall, come on out and visit this Saturday’s Gathering to get a better feel for how it all works!
> We’ve got a BIG year ahead of us for Trinity House Community! To help us reach many more families with the life-changing Trinity House ministry resources, will you make a tax-deductible gift of $10, $25, $50, $100, or more and help us to reach our $8,000 Give-Choose goal? Early giving for this annual fundraising event begins today and the campaign ends on Friday, March 28th. Make your gift here at our Give-Choose page — or if you’d prefer, you can send a check to Trinity House Community to P.O. Box 713, Leesburg VA 20178. Or give via our online giving portal (all gifts count toward our goal, regardless of how they are made). Thank you for being part of this mission to renew the family!

“The most helpful part of the workshop for me was your very real understanding of the struggles of family life…and your practical, concrete recommendations.”
– 2/23 Participant, All Saints Catholic School Heaven in Your Home Workshop for Parents, Manassas, VA