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THC Groups Now Available!


Beginning today, any parish in the United States can purchase an annual subscription and host their own Trinity House Community Group! Today marks the English-language launch, and we look forward to making the Groups available to Spanish-speakers this year as well. In case you’ve never been to a Gathering, here are the top ten reasons for launching this in your own parish. 

10. The model has been tested and honed for over two years (check out the backstory in the current issue of the Arlington Catholic Herald). 

9. The Gatherings are easy and affordable ($499 annual subscription) to host, and work for busy families’ schedules and overstretched parish staff

8. Your whole family is invited.  

7. The Gatherings are held five times during a school year, usually on Saturday evenings (e.g., Sept., Nov., Jan., Mar., May). Come once, twice, or ideally, all five times!
6. The 12-min. video presentations for parents focus on practical strategies—based on Church teaching—for each of the 5 levels of your Trinity House: Faith Life, Person & Relationships, Household Economy, Family Culture, and Hospitality & Service. 

5. After each video presentation, parents have the opportunity to go deeper in table discussions before rejoining the kids for the drinks and desserts reception. 

4. Your kids spend time with kids from other families who are also striving to live out the faith at home.  

3. While the kids love what they often call the “church party,” dad and mom love getting to know other couples in the parents-only part of the Gathering. 

2. Faith-centered relationships are strengthened at every level of the family, and among families.

1. Your family’s relationship with the Lord is strengthened as you are equipped—alongside other families—to make your home a dwelling place of the Most Holy Trinity, a taste of heaven.

Now Available for Your Parish!

Will you prayerfully consider these three next steps? 

1. Watch the trailer, learn more, and share this email with a friend who may be interested in what the Trinity House Community Gatherings can bring to any parish or parish school.

2. Forward this to your Pastor, Director of Religious Education, Principal, or other parish staff member, and share your personal interest in helping to launch a Group. The parish-based subscription supports a Parish Coordinator guiding a Core Team of couples who organize the logistics for the Gatherings. We will be happy to walk you or a parish staff member through a quick 15-minute online demo (see below) of how the Group subscription works.

3. At a time when Catholic families are experiencing so many challenges, join us in praying daily that this new model of family renewal would take root in many parishes!

“One of the many blessings in the Diocese of Arlington is the work done by Trinity House Community, which strives to strengthen families so that the ‘domestic church’ can be fruitful in our homes and communities.” 
– Most Rev. Michael Burbidge, Bishop of Arlington      

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