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The Alexa Homily

THComm Blog June Week 1 06022020

Dear Friend, 

On Pentecost Sunday, we went on a family daytrip, and at the church we visited, heard a homily which we are still discussing.
The priest recounted how, a few Christmases ago, he was gifted an Alexa, which to this day remains unopened on his closet shelf. “Unfortunately,” he shared, “we often leave the gift of the Holy Spirit, which is ours by virtue of being a member of the Body of Christ, similarly unopened.”
To leave Alexa to the side is one thing. But to ignore the Holy Spiritreferred to in scripture by the names of the Paraclete or Advocate, the “Spirit of truth,” the “Spirit of the promise,” the “Spirit of adoption,” the “Spirit of glory”, and by the symbols of wind, breath, fire, dove, water, cloud and light—is quite another.

With the reality of Pentecost fresh in our minds, let’s look again at Level 1, the Faith Life of a Trinity House. It’s a fitting moment for a spiritual self-assessment: Have I left the exquisite gift of the Holy Spirit—the very love that connects the Father and the Son, the very spirit of God—unopened? In what way is my home not what it could be because I keep this gift in a corner of my closet? Do I have a deepening relationship with the Holy Spirit and his 7 gifts?
As we ask these questions, we should ponder how the Lord desires to channel his own life of love and blessings through each of us. “‘God is Love,’” the Catechism summarizes, “and love is his first gift, containing all others. ‘God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us’” (733). And to take this one step further: God’s “pledge” or “first fruits” to us is “the very life of the Holy Trinity, which is to love as ‘God [has] loved us’” (735).

What does God’s love do in us? It allows us to grow into who he made us to be, with all of the unique gifts he gave us to use to love and bless others. As we allow God to channel his love and blessings through us, his first stop will naturally be our family members, who the Holy Spirit will also help to develop their own gifts. When family members are developing their unique identities in the Lord, the Trinity House comes together in creative ways to generate blessings that the whole family, and even neighbors and strangers, will enjoy.
In these first 18 years of our journey as parents, we have rejoiced as we’ve witnessed our children’s initiation into the life of Holy Spirit through the waters of baptism. Our two oldest have been confirmed, by which they have been “enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit” (Catechism, 1285). We have also been blessed to witness moments in our children’s journey of faith when they experienced the Holy Spirit’s presence in a pronounced way.
What can be more important for us as individuals and as families, than developing a personal, intimate, and life-changing relationship with God that will allow us to bless others and bring them into his love? To answer the questions posed above and to strengthen your own Trinity House, consider taking a small step this week in your relationship with the Holy Spirit: 

  • Take time to read and prayerfully reflect on the Holy Spirit’s role in scripture and the life of the Church.  
  • Pray to the Holy Spirit. “Come, Holy Spirit,” is a simple three-word invitation which you can pray at points throughout your day, or consider the beautiful 9th century hymn and prayer, Veni, Creator Spiritus (Come, Holy Spirit, Creator Blest).  
  • Cultivate the  seven gifts of the Holy Spirit which already belong to you now, as a baptized Christian: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.

With the graces of Pentecost fresh, now is the time to open or reopen the gift of the Holy Spirit in our lives. What a beautiful gift—to open each day, in each season, experiencing new depths and wonders of the love of God, communicating his very life to our families and a world in such need!
As we drove away from the church last Sunday, and discussed what we came to call “the Alexa homily,” we gave thanks for the needed reminder of the Holy Spirit. Together we pray:  

Come, Holy Spirit, Creator blest,
and in our souls take up Thy rest;
come with Thy grace and heavenly aid
to fill the hearts which Thou hast made.

Heaven In Your Home Toolkit
In his poignant Pentecost homily, Bishop Barron challenges us: “Even as we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit, let’s renew our commitment to get out of the upper room. Get out of the upper room. Get out into the world with the Holy Spirit. Light the fire of the Spirit’s love in our streets, in the halls of government, in the world of communication, in business and industry, in our schools, in the hearts of our friends and neighbors.” Amen! 

“We should be doing a lot of listening right now,” Archbishop Gomez notes in his statement on the tragic death of George Floyd. And in his statement, Bishop Burbidge notes, “May we also pray that we who are rightfully outraged by what has transpired will be guided to address effectively and peacefully the wrongs committed and to work together in restoring justice, peace and harmony throughout our nation and in all of our communities.    

Mike and Alicia Hernon at The Messy Family Project are inviting families to a “play + pray” challenge from June 12-21st, during which couples would commit to having a family day, date night, and a time of proclaiming Jesus as king of their home. Learn more here

Have you come across an inspiring article, video, or interview lately which would help other individuals and families in their quest to find heaven in their home? We want to hear from you! Just send it to us at — and we’ll consider it for future toolkits and e-letters. 

Don’t Miss…

Haven’t joined us yet? Consider signing up for our next livestream Heaven In Your Home Workshop: 

  • Wednesday, June 24th, 8-9:30 p.m. (Eastern Time)  

Learn more and register here, and then spread the word by forwarding this email to your friends. 
“I personally am looking at my day with a different perspective after the workshop. Your use of the Trinity icon as the theological and scriptural foundation for the pathway to bringing heaven into your home was inspired and beautiful. You so clearly laid out where we are now in this ‘maze’ we have created, opening our eyes to how far we have strayed from the ideal family life…and without even realizing it. Your excellent descriptions of the various distractions and schemes which have led us to live impersonal lives was eye-opening but inspired me that we can do better than this.” — Workshop Participant

Please Join Us In Prayer 

  • For all local, state and national leaders at this time, that they might lead with wisdom, and that our communities may experience healing, unity and peace.   
  • For all senior citizens, doctors, nurses, and essential workers, as they continue to face the Covid pandemic.
  • For the unemployed, the underemployed, and all those facing difficult financial decisions in these days.
  • For all of the upcoming and recent Heaven in Your Home Workshop participants, that their families would experience the grace and peace of our Lord as they build their Trinity Houses. 
  • For the staff of Trinity House Cafe, as we work to reopen on Friday, June 12th. 

In Christ, 

Soren & Ever Johnson
Co-Founders & Directors
Trinity House Community

Making Home a Little Taste of Heaven

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