“This is my favorite level!” a young dad said, smiling, turning to us at a recent Trinity House Gathering at a nearby parish. That night’s session was focused on Level 5, Hospitality & Service, in which we share our family’s communion, our taste of heaven.
Truth be told though, many of us struggle with this level. Yes, we may acknowledge that our outward-facing service is the “crown” of our Trinity House. We may grasp that God’s extravagant abundance is “for the taking” if we but open our hands, our doors, and our schedules. We may even know that every time we host or serve, we are better for it.
But then our busy schedules hit. Work. Stress. Little League games. Illness. Exhaustion. And another week goes by with our family essentially looking after itself—not having a moment for others. In some seasons of struggle and difficulty, this state is truly unavoidable. At other times, we just let it happen.
For the seasons when we could do more for others, maybe we should try to hear the words of Jesus in a new way. As he said, “You will know them by their fruits… Just so, every sound tree bears good fruit…” (Mt. 7:16-17).
Step back for a moment. In your imagination, walk out your front door, cross the street, and look at your home from a distance. There it is, the place God has called you to: bustling with life, demands, long lists of tasks, aspirations, fears, hopes and struggles.
If you can imagine yourself as one of your neighbors, looking at your house, what kind of fruit would they notice? Is it a closed-off fortress, guarded, unfamiliar and unknown? Or is it an attractive, welcoming, peaceful place where others—though they may not agree with your faith—at least get a glimpse of how you live?
St. Mother Teresa famously said, “The fruit of silence is prayer, the fruit of prayer is faith, the fruit of faith is love, the fruit of love is service and the fruit of service is peace.” This inspiring quote can even be read as a miniature aid to reflecting on the fruit of your Trinity House.
Is your Faith Life imbued with silence and prayer? Does it grow into greater love in Person & Relationships? Is this love leading your family to serve one another in Household Economy and those outside the family in Hospitality & Service?Along the way, is your Family Culture marked by faith, love, and peace?
In the week ahead, try one or more of these practical exercises as a way to lead your family more fully toward the crowning of your Trinity House:
- Invite the Holy Spirit into a time of prayer and reflection on your family’s life of Hospitality & Service.
- Prayerfully imagine viewing your home from across the street, from your neighbor’s perspective. What do they see? What fruit is evident? Are there dead branches that you arguably should cut? Are there promising buds that you might cultivate?
- Ask the Lord in prayer to nourish the foundations—silence, prayer and love—of your family’s life of service.
The young dad who remarked that this is his favorite level is an inspiration. Because the communion our families receive is not meant to stay with us, as if stranded on an island, apart from the world. God’s abundance and the Great Commission of Our Savior call us into our friendships, neighborhoods and communities. And in this outward flow, the peace we all long for finally arrives.

> Check out “Volunteer with Your Children” (Institute for Family Studies blog), and other Hospitality and Service ideas for you and your family here.
> In “Hospitality is Biblical—and It’s Not Optional,” (Catholic Answers) Emily Cook writes, “In short, all that is really needed to be an excellent host is a loving heart, an open ear, and eyes that see Christ in each person who crosses the threshold.”
> Need a refresher on your Heaven in Your Home Flowchart? The 3 Keys for Level 5 are One Outreach (key practice), Our Neighborhood (key place), and Abundance (key principle).

> Will you take one or two minutes to rank—or write a quick review—of our newly-released Heaven in Your Home Letters & Guide on Amazon? You can leave your review here. Thank you! These reviews truly help us to share this transformative message with more and more families.
> A new feature to share with you: At our team’s Calendly link here, you can schedule 1) A 15-min. preview of the Trinity House Community Groups, 2) Coffee at Trinity House + Market, or 3) A 20-min. chat about Trinity House Community’s 3-year strategic plan.
> Mark your calendars and bring your entire family to enjoy one of the many upcoming Trinity House Community Gatherings, including: 11:15 AM (Spanish) and 6:45 PM (English), Sat., May 4th, Christ the Redeemer in Sterling (learn more here on p. 9) | 6 PM, Wed., May 8, St. Joseph Catholic Church in Saint Johns, MI(learn more here on p. 6) | 6:30 PM, Sat. May 18th, St. John the Apostle in Leesburg (learn more here) | 6:30 PM, Sat., May 18th, Sacred Heart in Manassas(learn more here).
> Begin planning now to launch your own parish’s Trinity House Community Group this September! Learn more here and schedule a 15-minute call/zoom with our team here. For just $499 ($399 if you subscribe by May 31st), your parish can access all the tools needed to host 5 transformative “Heaven in Your Home Gatherings” for families, including videos, discussion questions, marketing templates, catechetical resources, ongoing support, and more. Dioceses can also take advantage of three subscriptions for just $899. Ready to subscribe and launch a Group at your parish? Here’s where you can take the first step.
> A big word of thanks to the police of Leesburg, VA, who held a “Coffee with a Cop” morning at Trinity House Cafe + Market last week! It was a wonderful chance to thank these men and women for all they do each day to serve our community.

“I am so impressed by this incredible book, Heaven in Your Home Letters & Guide! The content is not only usable and pertinent for a modern Christian family but it is also astonishingly beautiful…a work of art. I plan to give this as a gift to families at all stages…what a wonderful guide to building and nurturing a home!”
– Mary Musso, New Orleans, LA