“For so many, faith is a rollercoaster,” our pastor shared in a recent talk that seems more relevant with every passing day in our fast-changing world.
He went on to describe a type of spirituality that is constantly moving between “highs” and “lows,” between “apathy and crisis, joy and absence.” For many, faith is “up” at Confirmation, a wedding, a child’s baptism, and then “down” for long stretches of time.
Does any of this sound familiar? The truth is, even if the stretches of time are shorter than between major sacraments, most of us can use more stability in the practice of our faith.
Particularly in the past year, as we’ve navigated the challenges families are facing everywhere, we’ve found ourselves on that spiritual rollercoaster. One moment we’re on the same page spiritually as a family, experiencing the consolation and peace of morning prayer, family rosary, Mass, and frequent confession.
But suddenly, the rollercoaster plunges. We look up and it’s Thursday, and we’ve lost the thread. Daily prayer and devotional reading lapsed for a day, then two… We realize that the bickering and impatience is up, and that spiritually, we’ve slipped as a family.
“I don’t know about you, but I hate rollercoasters,” our pastor continued, “but whether you like rollercoasters or not, I don’t think most of us want to live our faith as if we’re on a rollercoaster.” And then he pointed to a surprising solution that we’re happy to share with you today as we turn our focus to Level 1, or Faith Life, of your Trinity House.
The surprise is one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: it’s piety, or devotion to religious practices.
“Piety,” our pastor continued, is a “foundational” and “discerning” gift that allows us “to live faith in a stable, even-keeled way.” Piety is a “kind of steadiness in the spiritual life that we need,” he shared. The gift is less about “doing” and more about helping us “evaluate and discern” where things are or aren’t going right. The goal of this gift “is to make our faith part of who we are, not just something we do on Sunday, or in a crisis.”
As individuals and families, through faithful devotion to religious practices—of daily prayer, frequent confession and Mass, family rosary, etc.—we can ask the Holy Spirit to help us “understand why we’re not stable in our faith” or how to become more stable. Here are several simple prayers our pastor suggested to put the gift of piety to use:
- Lord, help me to understand the areas where I’m unstable, and what’s causing that.
- Lord, help me as a parent to provide more spiritual stability to my children.
- If we are struggling with making time for the Lord, we can pray, “Lord, help me to understand why I can’t seem to make time for you, why I can’t seem to take what I believe into my decisions and responsibilities.”
- Lord, through your Holy Spirit, help me to maintain piety.
The pressures of these uncertain months make it hard to be stable in anything—whether it’s our friendships, diet and fitness, or our relationship with the Lord. But the Lord, who created us and knows our every struggle, also provided us with the special gift of piety.
As we continue to build and strengthen our Trinity Houses this year, let’s call upon the Holy Spirit for the gift of piety! With time, He will lead us to new ways of creating and maintaining the precious and foundational gift of spiritual stability that our families so desperately need.
Heaven In Your Home Toolkit
Need a quick refresher on the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit? Here’s the key passage in the Catechism.
Go deeper on this topic by listening to our pastor’s (Fr. Kevin Larsen of St. John the Apostle in Leesburg) talk available here on SoundCloud (the section on piety is during minutes 9-16).
When the gift of piety is active, Fr. William Saunders of the Diocese of Arlington explains in this helpful Straight Answers column, “a person approaches prayer and worship at Mass not as a task or burden but as an act of joyful love.”
“Piety is the habit of making sure that prayer occupies a place in our life, that makes it not only an obligation, but a desire,” says Dr. Susan Timoney in this incisive 2-minute video on piety.
“Some think that to have piety is to close the eyes,” says Pope Francis in this humorous and instructive 1-minute video clip, “to put on a sweet little angel face, and pretend to be a saint.” Watch the video to learn more.
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For all married couples: that they may strive daily to faithfully and lovingly live out their marriage vows, bearing witness to the love God has for each of us (USCCB National Marriage Week, Feb. 7-14, petitions);
For all those discerning a vocation to marriage: may they recognize the Holy Spirit working in their hearts and respond generously to the call of God;
For an end to the pandemic; for safety and healing for all those impacted by COVID-19, and for all medical personnel;
For the ministry of Trinity House Community, including the staff of Trinity House Cafe, and all individuals and families who are seeking to reflect the life of the Trinity in their homes.
In Christ,
Soren & Ever Johnson
Founders & Directors
Trinity House Community
Making Home a Little Taste of Heaven