What are the stations of your cross?
At first glance, this question seems provocative—and possibly even irreverent. After all, as we enter Holy Week, how can the cross we are carrying even begin to compare with the cross of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ?
In plain terms, it can’t. We will almost certainly never be condemned to long, torturous, public suffering and martyrdom. And we definitely won’t bear the weight of all sins. And yet, Jesus himself tells us, “Take up your cross and follow me.” If our Lord compares our crosses to his, perhaps we should look at the similarities more carefully.
[Read the entire reflection, including 3 questions to take into prayer this week, here at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ For Your Marriage site.]

> “Doing the Stations of the Cross with Your Kids” (Teaching Catholic Kids.com)
>“5 Triduum Traditions to Help Your Family Celebrate Holy Week” (Drew and Katie Taylor at Catholic Link)
>“How to Make the Easter Triduum Meaningful for Your Kids…Without Stressing Out” (by Theresa Civantos Barber at Aleteia) includes this: “We pray the Stations of the Cross together as a family on Good Friday.”
> In “How to Spend Holy Week with Mary,”(Aleteia) Tom Hoopes writes, “We forget that Mary is not simply the downcast Lady of pious statues — she is also ‘fair as the moon, bright as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners.’ She is a fierce queen, fierce as any mother whose children are being threatened. So I want to wait with Mary on Holy Saturday for her victory to come on Easter morning.”

> Would you be interested in seeing Trinity House Community Gatherings (aka Heaven in Your Home Gatherings) at your parish this fall? We’re nearing the official launch of our parish-based model! For $499, any parish will be able to access all the tools needed to host 5 Gatherings for families in 2023-2024, including videos, discussion questions, marketing templates, catechetical resources, ongoing support, and more. Schedule a 20-min. call with us to learn more! Here’s our Calendly calendar where you can choose a time.
As one couple said, “I think the biggest blessing from our Trinity House Community Gatherings has been the relationships we’ve developed…and having people to more intentionally live our faith with.”
> Our thanks to Nick and Tabea Fransham, parents of five and members of the New Meadown Run Bruderhof community in Farmington, PA, who took some time out of their travels last week to visit Trinity House Cafe and talk with us about the spiritual needs of families. Not surprisingly, we found much common ground as we discussed the need for limiting technology, family meals and prayer times, shared work, and the call to be a “servant of the Word” in our homes. Thank you and may the Lord bless you and your community, Nick and Tabea!
> We’re hiring for a 20-hr/week Development Associate! Check out the position description here. Drop us a line if you’d like to chat about this possibility and learn more!

“Growing up coming to Trinity House Cafe, I always had fond memories of the cozy shop. It was a tremendous blessing to have access to affordable information to grow in my faith. It served as a safe space for my search for Truth. I am thankful for Trinity House which serves as a tangible proof of God’s miracles that He desires to give His children freely.” – Abby, Leesburg, VA |