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The True Source of Intimacy

THComm Blog MAR 2021 Week 2

If we had to pick a level at which most Trinity Houses fail to live up to the name, ours included, it would be Level 2, Person & Relationships.

We may be truly convicted about Level 1, Faith Life, and the need to practice it with our families. But when it comes to translating the grace gained in the practice of our faith into our intimate relationships… Let’s just say there are more than a few skid marks where that rubber hits the road. 

Perhaps it’s not a coincidence then that last week’s letter on what we do with our Bibles prompted a thoughtful reply from one of our readers that sheds light on how to strengthen the transition between Levels 1 and 2.

Amy Horan, a mother of four young children, wrote to us about her experience with Bible-reading, “I didn’t grow up in a Bible-rich home,” Amy shared, “and didn’t feel any connection to scripture. I wondered what real value it can add to family or personal life, other than ‘because we’re supposed to.’”

But then as a young mom, Amy experienced a breakthrough. Instead of seeing time with her Bible as a “should,” she realized that it’s all about relationship. “I recognized that my relationship with the Word is like that with any friend,” Amy explained. “It will only flourish if I sit down with this friend regularly.”

It’s not because she “has to” or “should,” Amy continued, “but because the One I love is waiting there to speak to me.” In the pages of her Bible, Amy now finds “that pure enjoyment of the Other’s presence” and she hears “God speaking His love over me.”

And in that image—of two friends sitting down together to speak their love over each other—we find a grace-filled way of making our transition from Level 1 to 2. Jesus is of course the all-time Master of Person & Relationships. In the sacraments and in scripture, He shows us how to love the special people in our lives, just as He does for us.

So, when we find relationships difficult, let’s remember to learn from the Master. If we flourish in our relationship with God by sitting down with Him regularly, how much more quickly will we be there in a loving way for the people He has given us to love!

Heaven In Your Home Toolkit

Pope Francis’ two homilies (3/6 here and 3/7 here) from his recent apostolic visit to Iraq are inspiring, and can help us to renew our prayers for persecuted fellow believers throughout the world. “The Church in Iraq, by God’s grace, is already doing much to proclaim this wonderful wisdom of the cross by spreading Christ’s mercy and forgiveness, particularly towards those in greatest need,” Pope Francis said. 

In a thoughtful reflection on the past year, “Despite Hardships, Family Life Blossoms During the Pandemic” (OSV), Bonnie Engstrom writes, “This was a time to shore up the foundation of our family with prayer, teamwork and honest conversations.” 

Today, March 9th, the Church honors St. Frances of Rome. In “The Saint Who Shows Us What To Do When Life Isn’t Going As Planned” (Aleteia), Cecilia Pigg gleans helpful lessons from her life.

Starting tomorrow, consider praying a novena to St. Joseph in the lead-up to his March 19th solemnity. You’ll find a novena and accompanying daily video reflections here, courtesy of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. 

Lent as “basic training” and a “return to the fundamentals” in the Christian life? Bishop Barron’s “Welcome to Basic Training” homily (video) from this past Sunday spends about 1 ½ minutes on each of the 10 commandments. A great review.     

As we journey through Lent, here is a helpful back-to-basics reminder on fasting: “Fasting From Sin—The Never-Ending Lenten Challenge” (CNS). Our fasting “can lead us to a renewed appreciation and desire for God in our lives, to build a stronger relationship with Jesus.”

Consider joining an Online Lenten Apologetics Retreat sponsored by the Diocese of Arlington, Catholic Apologetics Institute of North America (CAINA), and CMAX.TV on three Sunday evenings in March. There will be live-streamed presentations and live Q&A (registration for all 3 sessions is $10). For more info or to register, visit this page

Curious to know about other ways to build and renew the relationships in your family? Check out our many Trinity House practical suggestions on topics ranging from marriage and friendship to cultivating healthy relationships with our children. 

Please Join Us In Prayer

For the conversion of our hearts and minds during this Lenten season, that we would strive to imitate our Lord; 

For a revival of the faith that comes from the living Christ, for hope inspired by the breath of the Holy Spirit, and for the love flowing from the merciful heart of the Father (Cf. Pope Francis, Lenten Message); 

For an end to the pandemic; for safety and healing for all those impacted by COVID-19, and for all medical personnel;

For the ministry of Trinity House Community, including the staff of Trinity House Café, and all individuals and families who are seeking to reflect the life of the Trinity in their homes.

In Christ,
Soren & Ever Johnson
Founders & Directors
Trinity House Community
Making Home a Little Taste of Heaven

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