“The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America,” Ever’s dad would begin in his annual July 4th reading of the Declaration of Independence. The kids would gather round knowing that, within moments, their dad would be choking up with emotion. As ever, Han Holbein’s portrait of St. Thomas More, whose memorial we mark today, would look on with penetrating gaze from the living room wall.
More’s presence may not dominate your own childhood memories, but today’s memorial—and the two-week lead-up to July 4th—nevertheless offer a fitting moment to reflect on the civic health of our family culture. And as we reflect on this important aspect of Level 4 of our Trinity Houses, maybe it’s also time to hit reset—in order that we might pass along to our children a tangible sense of gratitude for our country and for religious liberty.
St. Thomas More’s life was nothing short of stunning. What didn’t he do? Perhaps the definition of a Renaissance man, he was a brilliant attorney and statesman, a loving husband and father, author, poet, linguist, philosopher, jurist, a loyal servant of the crown, and he even had a famous wit. But it was the culmination of More’s life—his martyrdom—that we reflect upon today.
To quote another Englishman, Winston Churchill, “To each there comes in their lifetime a special moment when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique to them and fitted to their talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that which could have been their finest hour.”
On July 6, 1535, life tapped More on the shoulder and asked him a question: would he affirm the king’s lie that would in turn split the Church? St. Thomas More answered simply and courageously: “I die the king’s faithful servant, but God’s first.”
The 20th century saw more religious persecution and Christian martyrdoms than any other century to-date. And those powerful taps on the shoulder—with discomfiting questions about the practice of the faith—continue today. However that moment may arrive for us, the more important thing is to prepare our families today—through quiet, daily affirmations of the priority of our faith.
Perhaps the question for us today—and in the next two weeks leading up to July 4th—is this: how are we imbuing our family culture with both a love of country and an awareness of the importance of religious liberty? Every family has its own patriotic traditions. Maybe it’s the flag out front, a portrait of Washington hanging inside, making care packages for the deployed, or bringing flowers to the graves of veterans.
For Ever’s dad, patritoism and religious liberty went hand-in-hand—the annual recitation of the Declaration of Independence under the watchful gaze of St. Thomas More invested the family with a powerful anchor. In Soren’s family, his parents often took advantage of the dinner table to talk about politics, religious liberty, and patriotism.
Holbein also sketched St. Thomas More with his family. They’re all spread out in the living room, enjoying each others’ company. His love of God and love of country must have been tangible to his family in so many little, daily ways. When life tapped him on the shoulder, he was ready because he had been preparing for so many years.
“As the family goes,” St. John Paul II said, “so goes the nation, and so goes the whole world in which we live.” If this is true, then it follows that the future of our nation and our religious liberty is deeply intertwined with what happens in our own living rooms and dinner tables. Inspired by the witness of St. Thomas More, may we renew our efforts to be faithful servants of our country, but God’s first.
Heaven In Your Home Toolkit
In his video “On St. Thomas More and the Bishop of Rome”, Bishop Barron provides an accessible overview of More’s life.
In his statement on Religious Freedom Week (June 22-29), Bishop Burbidge of Arlington writes, “We have the truth, and we must be bold enough to stand up and proclaim it, no matter the cost. May Our Lord give us strength and wisdom for the work that lies ahead.” Check out the diocese’s religious freedom resource page here.
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has assembled some religious liberty prayer resources here that include downloadable prayer cards. For family prayer, why not begin including a prayer for religious freedom as a means of forming our children in the faith?
“For God and Country: A Catholic Guide on Patriotism” (Seton Magazine) by Jennifer Elia offers 6 practical ideas for families.
In “Thomas More: Saint in a Time of Political and Cultural Crisis” (Church Life Journal), Notre Dame professor Cyril O’Regan writes, “The Christian will have to make a choice. However reluctantly, you have to choose one or the other: the singular beauty of the Word of God, or the world with its beauties of the flesh and its beauties of speech and rhetoric and their power to persuade and influence.”Trinity House Community is happy to be an event partner for “Coherent Christian Engagement: An Introduction to Catholic Social Teaching,” an online webinar with Fr. Ben Petty (MTS and parochial vicar at St. Mary’s Landover Hills, MD) and Rev. Bill Haley (Coracle Executive Director) on the seven themes of Catholic social teaching. Sign up here for this free event this Thurs., June 24, 12:30-1:30 pm (EDT).

Please Join Us In Prayer
That we may pray, reflect, and take action on religious liberty, both in our country and abroad;
For conviction, zeal, and optimism as we form our families with a love of country and respect for religious freedom;
For all recent graduates, that they may find their strength in the Lord as they seek to continue growing in wisdom, age, and grace;
That as we lead our families in the summer months ahead, we may first teach our children, by word and example, how to know, love, and serve the Lord in daily family life;
For an end to the pandemic throughout the world; for safety and healing for all those impacted by COVID-19, and for all medical personnel;
For the ministry of Trinity House Community, including the staff of Trinity House Cafe, and all individuals and families who are seeking to reflect the life of the Trinity in their homes.
In Christ,
Soren & Ever Johnson
Founders & Directors
Trinity House Community
Making Home a Little Taste of Heaven