Three years ago this month, we hit send on our first weekly Heaven in Your Home Letter to about 50 friends of the ministry. One month earlier, we had presented our first Heaven in Your Home Workshop.
Today, more than 150 e-letters and dozens of Heaven in Your Home Workshops later, and with Trinity House Community Groups launching in more and more parishes, it’s moving to return to that first letter and see that everything we want for Christian families is present there.
It was the beginning of Advent and the letter was titled “Take Your Family to Bethlehem.” In it, we invited families to put themselves in the shoes of Joseph and Mary, journeying from Nazareth to Bethlehem to become the Holy Family. Like them, we are all called to leave behind our well-known life in Nazareth and travel to Bethlehem to become something new, a holy family centered around the Christ Child and his sacrificial love.
As we journey from our old life to opening our home—our Trinity House—to life with God, we leave behind our often self-centered plans, and are guided instead by his way of life. The life of the Holy Trinity, a “communion of persons” just like our families, is characterized by mutuality, love, and abundance.
Most families today are powerfully tempted by the old life, with its comforts and self-reliance. Our culture constantly urges us to skip the entire trip to Bethlehem and forget about the call to becoming a holy family, to finding heaven in your home.
But you have made the decision to strike out towards Bethlehem. You know the joys and costs of this journey. And even more, your prayers and support are allowing the Trinity House Community to invite thousands of other families to discover the road to Bethlehem and begin walking with Mary and Joseph.
As Paul, a young dad, shared with us recently, “I was apprehensive about coming to your workshop, but it turned out it was God’s way of focusing me and providing an answer to the guidance I’ve been asking for.” Paul made a bold step towards Bethlehem and towards spiritual leadership alongside his wife in his home—and he was not alone. So many of the young dads at that workshop humbled us with their openness and resolve.
As you will see here in a brief 2022 ministry impact report, each aspect of our three-fold ministry—to engage the public with a vision of the renewed Christian home at Trinity House Café + Market, equip parents through our Heaven in Your Home Workshops and Letters, and encourage families through Trinity House Community Groups—experienced exponential growth in 2022.
Will you consider a year-end—or monthly—gift to allow us to reach more parents like Paul with the transformative resources they need in the year ahead?
We are so grateful for your partnership in this sacred mission to the family. Thank you for your prayers for the ministry, and please know that we pray for our supporters daily!
Together with you, giving glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
Soren & Ever Johnson
Founders & Directors
P.S. Thanks to a generous supporter, any new monthly gift—or percentage increase from our currently monthly supporters—will be doubled. Thank you for considering this important way of supporting the ministry!

“I support the work that Ever and Soren are doing because of the greatness of the cause: the family.”
– Steve Petullo, Monthly Supporter