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Heaven in Your Home Letters

Listen Now The mid-Lent festivities may be over—first St. Patrick’s, then Laetare Sunday, and finally St. Joseph’s!—but we invite you to reflect with us on the subject of yesterday’s Solemnity. It’s now been more …
How are you?  “I’m so busy!” We all say it — and we all say it all the time. It’s a status symbol. The busier we are, the more important we are. Busy …
The other evening, we were driving home after going to confession. You could sense the freshness in our (otherwise well-worn) minivan: the kids’ chatter was light, cheerful and peaceful. Our Lenten resolutions …
Click to listen to the audio of this reflection. (As we focus with you this 4th week of the month on Level 4, Family Culture, join us on a trip down memory …
Lent will be upon us soon, and likely with it, our self-designed plans for asceticism. If you’re like me, you are prone to creating far-flung lists of new and renewed disciplines that, …
It’s Valentine’s Day and love is in the air! You might even manage a Date Night, Level 2, Person & Relationship’s core practice. In case you do, take a moment now for …
“Fervorino” is a wonderful Italian word that roughly translates to “pep talk” or “quick exhortation.” Not sure about you, but just about every young parent we know would welcome a lot more fervorini—especially given all the challenges …
It’s hard to believe, but Lent will begin three weeks from tomorrow. That means the next few weeks are the perfect time to reflect on how your family’s hospitality and service—Level 5, the …
Our 11-year-old son’s favorite Christmas gift was, quite frankly, a surprise to all of us: Bananagrams. The simple Scrabble-like game requires participants to build as many words as possible in a race against time. …
Last week, we had a rare, bliss-filled moment as parents. Soren’s mom was coming from Chicago for a visit in just a couple days, but we had a problem: the house was …
New Year’s resolutions are all about fitness and diet, right? Turns out, not so much. Thanks to Google’s release of its top 2023 New Year’s resolution-related searches, we now know that “mental health” topped the charts. This …
It didn’t take long. Soon after returning home from a great post-Christmas visit with family, the kids began rearranging their rooms—hanging up new clothes they’d received, shelving new books, and making room for …
Listen Now The mid-Lent festivities may be over—first St. Patrick’s, then Laetare Sunday, and finally St. Joseph’s!—but we invite you to reflect with us on the subject of yesterday’s Solemnity. It’s now been more …
How are you?  “I’m so busy!” We all say it — and we all say it all the time. It’s a status symbol. The busier we are, the more important we are. Busy …
The other evening, we were driving home after going to confession. You could sense the freshness in our (otherwise well-worn) minivan: the kids’ chatter was light, cheerful and peaceful. Our Lenten resolutions …
Click to listen to the audio of this reflection. (As we focus with you this 4th week of the month on Level 4, Family Culture, join us on a trip down memory …
Lent will be upon us soon, and likely with it, our self-designed plans for asceticism. If you’re like me, you are prone to creating far-flung lists of new and renewed disciplines that, …
It’s Valentine’s Day and love is in the air! You might even manage a Date Night, Level 2, Person & Relationship’s core practice. In case you do, take a moment now for …
“Fervorino” is a wonderful Italian word that roughly translates to “pep talk” or “quick exhortation.” Not sure about you, but just about every young parent we know would welcome a lot more fervorini—especially given all the challenges …
It’s hard to believe, but Lent will begin three weeks from tomorrow. That means the next few weeks are the perfect time to reflect on how your family’s hospitality and service—Level 5, the …
Our 11-year-old son’s favorite Christmas gift was, quite frankly, a surprise to all of us: Bananagrams. The simple Scrabble-like game requires participants to build as many words as possible in a race against time. …
Last week, we had a rare, bliss-filled moment as parents. Soren’s mom was coming from Chicago for a visit in just a couple days, but we had a problem: the house was …
New Year’s resolutions are all about fitness and diet, right? Turns out, not so much. Thanks to Google’s release of its top 2023 New Year’s resolution-related searches, we now know that “mental health” topped the charts. This …
It didn’t take long. Soon after returning home from a great post-Christmas visit with family, the kids began rearranging their rooms—hanging up new clothes they’d received, shelving new books, and making room for …

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