Just three years ago this Advent, we hit “send” on our first weekly Heaven in Your Home Letter to about 50 friends of the ministry. One month earlier, we had presented our first Heaven in Your Home Workshop.
Today, more than 150 e-letters and dozens of Heaven in Your Home Workshops later (even a presentation at the Vatican this summer), and with Trinity House Community Groups launching in more and more parishes, we are so grateful for your help making all of this happen. (To learn more, check out our 2022 ministry impact report here).
As a reader of the Heaven in Your Home Letters, you have already decided to give your family the gift of faith.
This Giving Tuesday, will you consider giving that gift to other families?
By saying “Yes,” you set up a win-win: 1) Your gift will allow Trinity House Community to reach more families. 2) Your gift—if monthly—will be doubled, thanks to generous supporters.
Will you consider becoming a monthly donor today at $5, $10, $25, $50, or more? Thanks to the challenge of one supporter, your monthly gift will be doubled! Any support—whether monthly or one-time—is so important to our growth!
We are so grateful for your partnership in this sacred mission to the family. Thank you for your prayers for the ministry, and please know that we pray for our supporters daily!
Together with you, giving glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
Soren & Ever Johnson
Founders & Directors

“I support the work that Ever and Soren are doing because of the greatness of the cause: the family.”
– Steve Petullo, Monthly Supporter