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Dear Friend,
“Ten were cleansed, were they not?” Jesus asks his disciples in that memorable Gospel account. “Where are the other nine?” he continues, noting an alarming 1:10 ratio of grateful to ungrateful former lepers, “Has none but this foreigner returned to give thanks to God?”
Giving thanks. Gratitude. A grateful heart. A compliment. A word of praise. A thank-you note. All of these expressions are the very oxygen of our marriages and our relationships with our children, the basis of Level 2 of our Trinity Houses—Person & Relationships.
But if we’re honest, too often in our most important relationships, we act like the 9 ungrateful lepers—failing to say thanks when our loved ones respond to our needs and care for us.
Gratitude is “the virtue by which a person acknowledges, interiorly and exteriorly, gifts received and seeks to make at least some return for the gift conferred,” notes Catholic Culture.org. “Essentially gratitude consists of an interior disposition, a grateful heart, but when genuine it tries somehow to express itself in words and deeds.”
Thanksgiving is still a ways off, but every day is a good day to focus on gratitude in our relationships. “Couple studies,” summarizes one researcher, “have indicated that partners who expressed their thankfulness to each other often, could sustain their relationships with mutual trust, loyalty, and had long-lasting happy relationships.”
We all know this in our daily life in the home—how a simple word of gratitude can literally change the course of the day. Emotions come and go like the weather, and without daily expressions of gratitude, we can find ourselves unduly tugged by negativity or even despair. Our toxic culture, combined with our own brokenness, can lead us in the opposite direction from gratitude. We know the results: forgetfulness of God and lots of knots in our family relationships.
Several years ago, we were deeply moved by author and mother Ann Voskamp’s journey away from anger and fear—and into gratitude. When a friend of hers dared her to write a list of 1,000 blessings, she took her up on it. Her book One Thousand Gifts is a testament to how gratitude re-oriented her entire life.
Finishing our list of 1,000 blessings is a challenge we may never complete, but every one of us can take up the dare to develop a disposition of gratitude:
- We can pray a brief prayer of thanksgiving upon waking, and tell the Lord the things we’re grateful for in our daily prayer time.
- We can say, in our hearts, “Thank you, Lord” throughout the day.
- We can study about gratitude, and even memorize the Psalms of thanksgiving.
- We can make it a point to always thank our family members for the ways – big and small – that they tend our needs.
The relationships in our families are intended to reflect the inner life of God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. One glimpse at the Holy Trinity reveals the constant flow of self-gift, love, and gratitude coursing between the three persons of God. This is our privilege as families, to mirror and reflect this kind of divine love in our relationships!
Whatever the ratio of grateful to ungrateful that is typical in our families today, as icons of the Holy Trinity, may we ever more faithfully reflect the image of God, returning to give him and our loved ones thanks!
And when we do, what a joy it will be to hear Jesus say, as to the one grateful leper, “Stand up and go; your faith has saved you.”

> Have you heard of “preemptive gratitude?” “No friar ever recalls Blessed Solanus Casey manifesting excessive worry, anxiety or depression,” writes Fr. Michael Crosby, OFM Cap. in Thank God Ahead of Time: The Life and Spirituality of Solanus Casey. “Rather they continually heard words from Solanus that manifested a deep sense of gratefulness for God’s many gifts received in the past and the future.”
> In a remarkable reflection on three conditions necessary for gratitude, entitled “The Virtue of Gratitude,” Fr. Romano Guardini writes, “Let us attempt to obtain a view of this gradually disappearing virtue–gratitude.”
> In a reflection about our family life four years ago, “Our Summer of Gratitude” (Arlington Catholic Herald), we shared how our kids got excited about tracking things they were grateful for. We got pretty close to hitting 1,000 before school started! More Person & Relationships Tools…

> This Saturday, Oct. 16, we look forward to seeing many of you at our next Heaven in Your Home Gathering at 7 p.m. at St. John the Apostle’s Parish Center in Leesburg! Ian and Jacqueline Masson will be our special guests, kicking off the evening with a conversation starter on “How to Have the Joy of the Trinity at the Heart of Your Marriage.” Ian is IPS Center Director at Divine Mercy University. No RSVP necessary, kids welcome, and bring a dessert or drink. At our last Gathering, the kids had a blast doing puzzles, drawing, legos, cards, checkers, chess, and more. Curious about possibly starting a Heaven in Your Home Gathering in your own parish? Come on out!
> Start this fall off right by investing 60 minutes in your family’s spiritual foundation. Our 4 transformative 15-minute videos, the Heaven in Your Home Workshop, are now online! Share this new resource with others by forwarding them the link to this sign-up page to gain immediate access.

“The Heaven in Your Home Gathering was awesome. I really enjoyed the breakout groups and getting a chance to meet more people. My son also really enjoyed the toys, and keeps talking about the blue truck. I think these will be valuable community-building events, and will help us make friends with our neighbors.”
— Billy Ellis, Leesburg, VA