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Heaven in Your Home Letters

“What is that?!” our 15-year-old son asked incredulously the other day, pointing to a three-block long line of cars in town.   It was a drive-thru lunch line set up in a vacant …
What if we told you that we know of a simple set of practices proven to decrease children’s anxiety and behavioral problems, while strengthening their identity in Christ? Read on, because we found …
Dear Friend, “All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone,” Blaise Pascal famously wrote. So let’s be honest: when was the last time you sat …
Dear Friend,             “Would you two like to get away for a week this summer while we watch your kids?” Soren’s parents asked us on a memorable phone call in 2007. Pregnant, and …
Dear Friend,  While sheltering at home earlier this year, our family embarked on a series of ambitious DIY projects that will likely keep us busy well into next year. In March, we …
Dear Friend,  This week, our family is visiting relatives in New Orleans. On the way down, we pulled off the highway in Milledgeville, Georgia, the hometown of a favorite southern writer, Flannery O’Connor, and attended …
Dear Friend,  “We hope this message finds you happy and healthy!” the cheery voicemail from our kids’ school began late last week.   We could hear the “but” coming though, as the …
Dear Friend,  “Um…that was awkward!”   That’s what we sometimes hear from our three teens or two younger children after they see us chatting with strangers at Trinity House Café, the grocery check-out aisle, the church …
Dear Friend,  “Fear, pain, anxiety, betrayal, stress,” our pastor said in his homily last Sunday. “Our emotions are all over the place,” he said, before drawing our attention to the words of Jesus in …
Dear Friend,  Candidly, the start of summer has caught our family flat-footed. In our defense, last week we—along with our team of wonderful baristas and volunteers!—reopened Trinity House Café + Market after 11 weeks of temporary closure …
Dear Friend,  On Pentecost Sunday, we went on a family daytrip, and at the church we visited, heard a homily which we are still discussing. The priest recounted how, a few Christmases ago, he was …
Dear Friend,  In mid-March when everything went sideways, one of the first memorable things we did as a family was a two-hour traipse through the countryside behind our home, somehow finding a …
“What is that?!” our 15-year-old son asked incredulously the other day, pointing to a three-block long line of cars in town.   It was a drive-thru lunch line set up in a vacant …
What if we told you that we know of a simple set of practices proven to decrease children’s anxiety and behavioral problems, while strengthening their identity in Christ? Read on, because we found …
Dear Friend, “All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone,” Blaise Pascal famously wrote. So let’s be honest: when was the last time you sat …
Dear Friend,             “Would you two like to get away for a week this summer while we watch your kids?” Soren’s parents asked us on a memorable phone call in 2007. Pregnant, and …
Dear Friend,  While sheltering at home earlier this year, our family embarked on a series of ambitious DIY projects that will likely keep us busy well into next year. In March, we …
Dear Friend,  This week, our family is visiting relatives in New Orleans. On the way down, we pulled off the highway in Milledgeville, Georgia, the hometown of a favorite southern writer, Flannery O’Connor, and attended …
Dear Friend,  “We hope this message finds you happy and healthy!” the cheery voicemail from our kids’ school began late last week.   We could hear the “but” coming though, as the …
Dear Friend,  “Um…that was awkward!”   That’s what we sometimes hear from our three teens or two younger children after they see us chatting with strangers at Trinity House Café, the grocery check-out aisle, the church …
Dear Friend,  “Fear, pain, anxiety, betrayal, stress,” our pastor said in his homily last Sunday. “Our emotions are all over the place,” he said, before drawing our attention to the words of Jesus in …
Dear Friend,  Candidly, the start of summer has caught our family flat-footed. In our defense, last week we—along with our team of wonderful baristas and volunteers!—reopened Trinity House Café + Market after 11 weeks of temporary closure …
Dear Friend,  On Pentecost Sunday, we went on a family daytrip, and at the church we visited, heard a homily which we are still discussing. The priest recounted how, a few Christmases ago, he was …
Dear Friend,  In mid-March when everything went sideways, one of the first memorable things we did as a family was a two-hour traipse through the countryside behind our home, somehow finding a …

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